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the drive to the doctors was peaceful. music was playing from the background and the car windows were slightly open. ricky reached for my left hand, "hey, are you good?"

"yup." i nod and smile. "just excited to finally meet this little one for the first time."

we finally arrived at my obgyn's office, the receptionist greeting and asking us if we had an appointment and i nod.

"alright, have a seat. dr masterson will be out to assist you in a while." the receptionist tells us and we take our seat.

i was fiddling with my wedding ring while ricky was on his phone, waiting for the doctor to call us. finally, after 10 minutes, we hear a voice, "nina?"

i reached for ricky's hand and smiled. we both stood up and were shocked to see a familiar face coming out of the room. "ricky! nini!"

our eyes widened, "diana?"

the girl rushed to while ricky and i were giving awkward laughs. after we pull away, ricky asks, "uh what are you doing here?"

"well." diana started. "i was here for my daily checkup since i'm 10 weeks pregnant."

"oh, congrats diana." i say and diana smiles at us, "i'm guessing you're here for a checkup as well?"

"yup." i say excitedly. "i'm 4 weeks pregnant so we get to see our baby for the first time."

i see diana soften, "aw, congrats you two!"

suddenly we see a man sneak up behind her, "hey babe, ready to go?"

diana nods and adds, "oh babe, this is ricky and nini. i knew them back in high school. ricky, nini this is my husband, ethan."

we shake his hand and they both bid us goodbye. ricky and i stare at each other and laugh as we enter the doctor's office. "that was sooo weird." i whisper to ricky and he chuckles.

dr masterson greets us for the first time, "ah mr and mrs bowen, so glad to finally meet you. i'm dr masterson and i'll be your obgyn." she tells us and we smile.

"now nina." she starts. "go lie down so i can apply gel to your stomach and we get to see your baby in the monitor."

as she rubs the gel to my stomach as i lie back, ricky standing next to me and brushing my hair off my face. dr masterson turns on the computer screen and we see black and white images. "nina, look." she tells me as she points to the screen, "there is your baby."

i look up to ricky and we both tear up. he starts to kiss my forehead and whispers to me, "i love you."

me and ricky sat down near the table, waiting for the sonogram pictures and the vitamins needed. dr masterson returns with a small bag and folder as she tells me about our next appointment.

the ride home was peaceful again. ricky was humming some tunes while i was too busy admiring our first baby's sonogram photo. i see ricky staring at me and i warm him, "bowen, eyes on the road!"

he lets out a light chuckle, "sorry, you were just too beautiful to look at." and i laugh.

as we pull over to our home, i immediately run to the door and grab the empty picture frame. i insert the sonogram photo inside the frame and display it on the table. ricky walks up and sits beside me, "you're going to be a great mother. mark my words."

i look up to him, brushing off the curls, "and you're going to be a great father." we kiss for a while and go back to admiring the sonogram photo.

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