part 39

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Emily's point of view

"No. No no no this isnt right. No. This isn't how it's supposed to be after everything. After everything. You're supposed to love. We're supposed to live happily ever after. Like all the bloody books say. I've won. I've won I'm supposed to have my prize my life after years, hundreds of years alone don't you get it Amy. Amy-"
I grabbed her hands from her neck, her body was still weak perhaps, or maybe I was always the stronger one. But she was trying to crush her own neck.
"I. Emily you won my heart. And I thought I had yours and I-"
She couldn't say it.
"Say it"
It was more of a beg than a demand, but she flinched anyway.

She's not right. This isn't right. We're the same, same girls just forever.

Oh shit Amy.

I tried to smile at her, imagining we were back in that science class, new start.
But we were here.
And she didn't smile back.

"Amy im sorr-"

The door flew open, violently shaking the furniture around. I didnt have to guess who it was, I dont care. He will rip my head from my shoulders amd Amy will not care. Its funny how everything could be working, hell I felt in control of fate herself, every plan slotting into place, every piece of the jigsaw of our future together complete. 
Its funny. I would laugh. I should laugh. Spend my last seconds laughing because I wont fight. I wont fight him, and I wont fight her.

Shes so beautiful.  I cant blame myself for trying to build something with her. I brought this upon us all I know. But I cant be blamed for trying.  People have murdered for love before, died for love.  People have decimated whole cities, started wars, destroyed empires and killed queens for love.
I would do all that in an instant.

"Amy I love you"
She looked at me, John breaking down the locked door. Time slipping through the cracks of this jigsaw.
I touched her hair, pushing it behind her ear. I want to die looking at her.
She wanted to cry, i can see it in her face but her body, the body i forced her into wont let her.
The door opened, he marched through.
Dont be afraid.
Bitch. I am going to enjoy this.
"I'm sorry Amy"
I grabbed her hand. She was shaking, both of us unsure but thats OK. She can work out her future with John. If she can look at him, and herself.
After my death. A life without me.
John had gone silent. There was no movement no sound. Nothing. The whole room had gone silent.
"Amy? What did you do?"
I turned. John was frozen in a second,  his arms reaching for my neck, his eyes burning but also red raw. His father died but a day ago. Maybe even less, i cant blame him for crying.

Time had stopped.
Amy had stopped time. Well.... Time around us. Outside the birds were flying, trees moving in the wind.

"What happens now?" She asked. She doesn't question it. I dont think she has many questions left.
"I dont know. We don't have many options. We stay here and I die  you and John figure something out I suppose. Or.. we run.  We take off, because this- this power you have wont last forever. We run away and keep running  because John isn't going to stop."
Selfish hope. Selfish, evil hope, two options fifty fifty fate and her dammed way of playing with my heart.  I can still have everything, we can still have everything. An eternity to make up for everything. Oh god.
"Emily. You know I dont have a fucking clue. You know. You know. What you've done to me, what you've done to John.  You made me kill my brother, my brothers body is downstairs. You played this game,  and now I choose whether you win or loose. I should hate you. God I should kill you myself. But I cant. Why can't I Emily why do I still love you? Why did you have to do this? Why do I still love you?"

"Amy what can I say? A bitter monster found someone she loves. And I played this game of love the only way I can."
"Dont say anything. I can't,  I can't let you die. You're a monster. But I'm a monster  and I love you. Let's g-"

Time snapped back. John reaching for where my neck was,  grabbing empty air.
"What the fuck?" He yelled.
"Amy! Amy let's go" oh fearful hope. Let me have this i beg you. Let me go.
"Emily,  I can't  do it again. I dont know how" Amy had grabbed John,  trying to pull him back away from me.
"Amy let me go. I swear to god if you don't let me go."
"John please"

Amy's point of view

"John please"
What the fuck. Why. Why are you trying to save her. She killed my father. She's killed so many people she's a monster that deserves to die. Why are you holding me back?
John. Im sorry.  I cant, I can't hate her. My brother is dead downstairs yet I can't hate her. John I love her. I shouldnt. I dont want to,  but I do.
Amy, she's a monster.
I am too. Look at me John. I'm a vampire.  I killed  my brother.  Im going to kill people, I'm going to live for so long that I won't care about right or wrong. There's  nothing I can do. I, I dont want to live alone.
I'll be there,  we'll work something out-
And what, watch you hate me too? Have you watch while I become what you hate. John youre not immortal, you're going to die and I'll be left alone again.
Then... I'll kill you both
He yanked himself out of my arms and lunged for my neck.
Emily screamed in the background, running at John.
I felt time again. I felt myself press pause on John, and he froze.
I also felt myself crash to the floor. Exhausted.
He wanted to kill me. He wanted to kill me. Oh god.
I want to cry. I really want to cry.
"Amy. Let's go"
I took her hand, and i let her lead me into eternity.  An eternity of running and killing, but not alone.
Never alone again.

We ran from the house, hand in hand. John still frozen in place. By the time I felt him step back into time we were on a train, speeding off into the future.
He will kill us both if he finds us. But he won't find us. He won't.

I looked over at Emily. Still as beautiful as the first time I saw her.
No more questions, no more lies. Each others equals.
I will probably forgive, or forget. Or both. I'll probably spend these first years hating her, but never not loving her.
And im not alone. I'll never be alone again.

The end

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