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DATE PUBLISHED ON : 27/06/2020



Every day, every night,

She writes and writes with all her might.

Even in her sleep, she's thinking about

What to write next to make her story stand out.

Some details come to her by chance,

Other details have to be planned.

And so she works at it everyday,

To write the perfect story, come what may.

Sometimes, she has to stay awake

Cause time keeps ticking and never waits.

Despite the tears that run down her face,

She smiles, even though it's fake.

She's working so hard but she doesn't pause

Until it is her time to depart.

She sacrifices on her dreams and hopes.

Everyday, her nightmares destroy her soul.

She keeps turning back the pages

And all she can see are dark cages.

She keeps saying, " I need to make up for this later."

Saying so, she tries to feel better.

But when she's reached the last page,

She knows it's now too late.

Cause she was too engrossed in writing her story

That she didn't notice she wasn't living it wholly.

But sadly, it's now time to leave.

She writes her last words and is forced to flee.

But her story will always remain

In our hearts and when we think perfections the way.

- Abigael David


So this poem was inspired by a line I read from 'Expiration Date'...a book written by MikaelaBender. Do check it out. It's an awesome, really popular book. It's about a society where every one knows the day they die. Just think about it. Would that be good or bad? I think both. What are your views about it?

So the line was about a girl who was too engrossed in writing the perfect story but doesn't notice the story unfolding in front of her own eyes. That line really got my attention and then I thought and thought and overthought XD and...bam! Yeah so that's what inspired this poem.

All the perfectionists here! You may raise your hands! 

*raises both hands*

Yes...I know how it feels to be a perfectionist cause I am one, although I'm trying my best to stop being that way. 

Trying your best to ensure that every comma and semi colon in your life is wherever it's supposed to be and not where it's not supposed to be. Believe me, I've been there. 

But the reality is, no one is perfect. And as my wise bestest friend says, 'It's our imperfections that make us perfect'.

Do you know that an even greater perfectionist has placed every comma, semi colon and full stop in your life in it's right place. Yes I'm talking about God. He's the most perfect person ever, but He loves imperfect people like you and me. How awesome is that, right!

But looking around at the world right now, nothing's going good. Our life is so unexpected. Anything can happen at any time. So try not to take things for granted.

So my message to everyone (including me) for this week is this: Be content. With who you are. With life, cause we don't know when it will be snatched away from us. With the blessings God has blessed you with. You don't have to be perfect or have it together all the time. God doesn't expect perfection from us. He created us with His own hands. He knows we are dust.

And it is only through our imperfections that God's light can shine through

Be happy. Know that you are valued for who you are. There may be people who don't treat you that way. Don't let them affect you. Be kind. Treat everyone like you'd want them to treat you.

That was a long author's note XD Thanks for sticking with me thus far.

Have a great week!

Lotsh of hugsh and wubsh,


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