(1) Day 1 - Pillow Princess

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Frank sighed heavily as he walked through the camp gates. His gaze was met by kids his age. Kids ranging from about 2-70 years old. (Frank was 17).

A young woman held her hand out to him. "Im Jamia, Ill be your mentor." She smiled widely down at him. Frank was hesitant but reached out and shook the woman's hand.

This was going to be difficult.


It all started when Frank came home from school, his parents furiously waiting for him at the door.

"YOU BASTARD! WHERE WERE YOU!?" Craig shouted.
"Geez, calm down, i was at school like always!" Frank defended.
"I read your Wattpad comments..."
"Craig! I can explain!" Frank tried to justify.
"I-i found out you're a bottom." Craig got choked up, disgust evident in the tone that was used.

Frank broke down completely.
Begging for just a sliver of mercy from his parents. He looked at Kranc with hope in his tear stained eyes.

You're going Frank, thats final." Kranc stated in a monotone voice.
"You know we don't tolerate bottoms in this household." Craig added.
"Im sorry..." Frank whimpered.

He wished it could've been different but his parents had no intentions of changing their ways anytime soon. He would be sent off to bottom conversion therapy for as long as it took to change him. He didn't think he could change... he was simply too much of a pillow princess for such a thing.

So, here he was now at the gates of the camp being greeted by a woman who was supposed to turn him into a top or something.

His mentor, Jamia allowed him to explore his surroundings a bit before gathering to the cafeteria for lunch.

As he walked around he observed the other kids. A tall man with curly brown hair caught him off guard. He wore all black leather and looked over all pretty nasty. (Miss Jackson - sorry had to do it to you.)

Frank watched as the man whispered to a young girl with soft blonde hair. The man pulled a plastic bag out of an inside pocket in his jacket.
"I got your liquorice like you asked."
She nodded accepting the little baggie.

Frank figured this was a little too weird for his taste so he wandered on by.

All of a sudden a loud noise erupted.

Frank got shuffled into a crowd of kids heading to the cafeteria.
As he walked through the doorway he saw a worker lead a man the same age as Frank over to a table where he sat by himself.

The man had short platinum blonde hair and blacked out eyes. The worker handed him a box containing some type of food.

Frank was confused as to why this guy got special treatment when no one else did. Everyone else was stuck with gross cafeteria meats and this kid got a special meal of his own. Frank was a vegetarian, but even he was was still forced to eat their food.

He watched the worker walk away as the boy opened the box and pulled an Oreo cookie out. He broke the cookie in half and scraped out the icing. The worker returned with a bowl filled with what looked like... mayonnaise??

Frank observed the kid as he dipped his finger into the substance and smeared it onto the cookie where the icing once was, before putting it back together and eating it whole.

At this point the only thing that was going on in Franks head was "WTF!!"
He sighed and looked away from the kid who was stuffing his face with whatever the hell that concoction was.

He didn't deserve to be here. He didn't belong here. He eyed what was practically his lunchable ham. He had been right, this was going to be difficult.


After lunch Jamia showed Frank to his cabin. They held two beds each meaning Frank would have a roommate.

Franks bag he had been sent there with was laying on his bed. "Settle yourself in, your roommate should be here soon. Curfew is at 9:30pm."

Frank unpacked his bag, putting his clothes in the closet he shared with his roommate. He placed the rest of his personal belongings under his pillow to keep them safe, as he heard the cabin door creak open.

"Oh you must be my new roommate." The boy frowned.
"Uhm, yeah I'm Frank."
"Josh." The boy stated.
"You said i was uhm... your new roommate. What happened to the last one?" Frank asked hesitantly wondering if this boy was as weird as the other campers here.

"Killed him." Josh shrugged plopping down on his bed. Franks eyes widened.
"Im just messing with you man." He laughed.
"Seriously though, lets just say it worked on him. He's a top now or whatever, really is beneficial for me if you what i mean though." He winked.

Frank fake laughed.
"Uh yeah aha."
Josh got up and walked over to their closet.
"Hey me and some other kids are gonna play some games out by the trees later, you wanna come?" Josh offered searching through the clothes.
"Thanks but ill have to pass on this one, i wanna get settled in for the first night." Frank shot him a soft smile.

"Alright, well the offer still stands if you change your mind."
Josh skipped out of the cabin leaving Frank by himself again. He was dreading the weird group therapy session they had first thing in the morning. It would be their first attempt at actually trying to convert him into a top and Frank had already expressed his feelings on the matter. He just didn't think it was possible. He'd have to spend the rest of his life in this god forsaken camp.

Time passed slowly. Frank sat on his bed reading one of the few books he was allowed to bring to the camp with him. By the time he finished the book it was already late. Frank was impressed with himself, he never finished his books and when he actually did, it took him forever.

Frank was tired from all the changes of being in a completely new environment, so he quickly fell asleep.

Frank woke up to the sound of a man stumbling into their cabin. He looked at his alarm clock, it was passed curfew at 11pm. It was dark and he couldn't see but he could tell that the figure had walked over to Josh's bed.

"Tyler quiet down! Jesus, you're gonna wake him up." Josh muttered.
"SorRy baby, Im just excited." The other man who Frank assumed to be Tyler giggled.
Frank heard the bed creak as Tyler climbed onto it, shuffling under the covers with Josh.

Frank had stayed silent out of confusion for the situation.
It finally dawned on Frank what was actually happening once the bed started creaking and rocking at a steady pace.
All Frank could really think was "OH MY FUCKING GOD!! They are banging one out right in front of me!!?!??

Then he heard a voice start back up again. "Josh stop it you're gonna make me all blue/black!" Tyler whimpered.
Jesus Christ are you kidding me?
Frank tried his best to fall back asleep so he didn't have to put up with this bullshit all night. Eventually he succeeded.

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