(2) Day 2 - Part 1 - RiSe & ShInE

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When Frank woke up Tyler was gone and Josh was still peacefully asleep in his bed.

Frank glanced at his alarm clock: 8:00am. Group therapy starts at 8:30am. This would be yet another long day.

Jamia and and another woman entered their cabin. Frank assumed the other woman to be Josh's mentor.
"Rise and shine boys!" The other worker said with a bright smile.
Frank scoffed at how the woman could be so peppy so early in the morning. At home he refused to get out of bed until it was at least lunch time. Fuck this! Frank thought as he reached behind his head and pulled his pillow over his face to shield his eyes from the bright light in the middle of their cabin.

The women eventually hauled Josh out of his slumber and dragged the two to the building where the therapy session was to be held.

Josh wore a shirt with an unusually high collar and Frank scoffed for the second time that morning.

As the four made their way to the building Frank decided to start up a conversation with Josh.

"So who was your little friend that came over last night? Tyler, was it?" He joked around, whispering so only Josh would hear and not the workers. Frank figured protecting Josh's personal information might come in handy later for his own benefits.

"Oh shit! You were awake? Im so sorry man, we really thought you were out cold." Josh cringed.
"He was my old roommate. He was my boyfriend before i got sent here and he didn't want me to be lonely so he pretended to be a bottom to room with me but eventually the workers figured out his scheme and kicked him out, so every few nights he sneaks in and we have some fun." Josh answered.
Frank simply nodded.
This place keeps getting weirder and weirder.

He took his seat at the circle of chairs with one in the middle presumably for their 'teacher.' Frank watched as more of the kids took their seats. Once again, he saw the boy from yesterday at lunch, the one with short platinum blonde hair who ate nothing but Oreos with mayonnaise. Gross, Frank shuddered.

Their teacher took a seat. "Hello, my name is Lindsey Ballato and ill be your teacher this session." The woman smiled.

At that point Frank completely zoned out. He looked all around the room, everywhere's but the teacher before his eyes finally landed on the Oero kid again.

As Frank looked him up and down, and at all of the boys features, he quickly realized the guy was actually very attractive. He had good bone structure and thats what always made Frank horny. Good bone structure.

However Franks visual party was cut short when the boy glanced back at him, catching Frank red handed staring. Frank had an internal stage of panic before looking away awkwardly and back at the teacher.
"And you know guys, I was too once a bottom but eventually i learned from my sinful ways and here i am today, a complete top and my life is so much better. Thats why Im here to help teach you guys too. I want to help you." Lindsey finished.

"Any questions?" She smiled.
Frank watched a few kids raise their hands but blocked out all the words actually being spoken. He wondered who that kid was. He wanted to put a real name to his face, a name that wasn't just 'Oreo boy' but for all Frank knew that actually was his name. The kids here were so weird he wouldn't really be surprised if it was.

As the kids were dismissed literally an hour later because apparently children are very invested in knowing what its like to be a top, Frank rushed to catch up with that kid. He ran out the doors, in seconds they were walking in sync.

"Whats your name?" Frank asked the taller boy.
"Why should i tell you?" You're the one with stalker traits, shouldn't you at least introduce yourself first?" The boy complained.
"Uhm- Right sorry? Im Frank..." He responded slightly confused- no scratch that. Very confused but slightly intrigued at the same time.
"Gerard." Frank noticed the way the boy rolled his r's.
"Thats uhm... thats a very nice name. So how long have you been here?" Frank tried desperately to get a conversation going with the boy but he was making it very difficult.

Somehow it just motivated Frank even more.
"4 years, and i am *pinches his fingers together* THIS close to loosing my cool man! Honestly Im debating faking it at this point." He sighed. It was like a roller coaster of emotions wrapped up in one sentence. Frank concluded this guy was absolutely batshit crazy.

Yet, again somehow he felt sympathy for him. He couldn't even begin to imagine what it would be like to be here for 4 years. He had only arrived yesterday and it was already a living hell for him.

"That sucks man... I hope some day you get out of here." Frank smiled sympathetically.
"Ill be 18 this year. Ill finally get to make some of my own decisions but my 10 year contract wont be up. The only way i get out of here before 24 is if i get 'converted'." He pouted.

"I haven't seen you around... when did you get here?" He asked.
"Yesterday... I didn't know there were contracts..."
"Yeah some are as short as 3 years, others as long as 15. I consider myself lucky to only have a 10 year one. Most of the guys here have 15 year ones." He frowned.

Their conversation was cut short as fucking always when man walked up to Gerard, letting him know that he had a letter from a boy named Mikey Way.

Frank turned to walk away when he felt a hand on his shoulder and glanced back. "Cabin 18" He mouthed as Gerard was pulled away by the man. Frank nodded.

Frank returned to his cabin to see Josh sat on his bed again. He was writing something down in a journal. All Frank saw were the words "Isle Of The Flightless Birds." In all caps at the top of the page.

Once Josh saw him he gently placed the book down next to him and turned to face Frank.
"Hey man, you're not gonna tell anyone about Tyler and I are you?" He asked with a worried tone.
"No, Im not a dick. I wont mess around in your business if you don't mess around in mine." Frank confirmed.
Josh heavily sighed.
"Oh thank god i was freaking the fuck out." He took a deep breath.

"Do you even know what they do to you if they find out you're bottoming?" Josh asked shaking his head as if he had intrusive thoughts.
"Uhm, no. I don't know. They really didn't tell me much of anything to be honest here." Frank shrugged.
"Well... lets just say Lindsey takes personal offence to it." Josh cringed.
"You can't just leave it like that-"
"Just trust me if you don't have to know, you don't want to." Josh rambled, raising his hands up as if to defend himself.
"Alright then." Frank rolled his eyes slightly. He was tired of these weirdos at camp.

Really Josh wasn't all that bad especially compared to some of the others but nobody here was exactly 'normal'.

Josh picked his journal back up.
"What're you doing?" Frank asked.
He didn't really care he was just so bored out of his mind he needed something, anything to entertain him.

"Writing some new song lyrics." Josh replied.
"Thats cool, I didn't know you were a musician." Frank commented.
"Im not really professional, Tyler and i just used to write some songs for fun sometimes." Josh smiled, reminiscing over positive past memories with Tyler back when they had freedom.

"My favourite was 'Trees'." He said with a small smile forming on his lips. That was the first time Frank saw anyone genuinely smile here and it was a refreshing sight, really.
"I miss those times" he sighed. "Really Im just glad they happened."
Frank nodded.

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