(4) Day 2 - Part 3 - Brendon is a crackhead

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"Gerard will be out in a second." He said before slamming the door in Franks face. Frank stood just outside the door patiently.

Finally, Gerard came out and the two started walking in the apparent direction of the treehouse.
"Sorry about him, he's my roommate Brendon. He's kind of... weird you know?" Gerard apologized.
"Its cool, its not your fault and its no big deal." Frank said, shuffling his feet with his hands in the pockets of his hoodie. It was cold out.

They walked for about 10 minutes before stopping at the edge of the campsite. Gerard led the shorter boy into the forest by just a few trees. The treehouse was a decent size and rather high up.
"Well, here we are, what do you think of it?" Gerard asked nervously.
"Its awesome." Frank replied in awe that they were actually allowed to have such a cool place in well... a camp like this?" Frank asked.

"Yeah, a couple of years back Tyler, Josh, Ray and I built this thing. The rule was that if we built it we could have it as long as it wasn't affecting our conversion. Now we just use it whenever we want. You're free to come here anytime you'd like." Gerard answered.

Gerard let Frank climb up the ladder first, quickly following behind him. When the two reached the top Frank was greeted by 3 other people. One was the curly haired boy he had seen supplying liquorice on his first day, sitting next to the blonde girl who took it off his hands. The 3rd person was someone Frank didn't recognize, but knew that he was Ryan Ross, Josh's friend.

Frank took a seat along with Gerard. Gerard whispered to Frank telling him to introduce himself.
"Uhm... hi, Im Frank Im new here." He muttered. He wasn't very confident when talking to groups of people, regardless or how small the groups may be. He felt like all of his actions were being judged.

The blonde girl was the first to talk after that.
"Hi Frank, Im Kristen." She smiled.
She seemed pretty cheerful. Her response inspired the others to introduce themselves as well.
"Im Ray. If you ever need liquorice Im your guy." He winked. He was intimidating.
"Ryan. Josh told me about you." Ryan seemed pretty out of it.

The 3 continued doing whatever they were doing before Gerard and Frank crashed their party, so the two of them started a conversation of their own in the corner of the treehouse on a little bench.

"Ryan is my roommate Brendons boyfriend. They started dating last year." Gerard said.
"Oh, makes sense. Josh told me he was friends with Ryan." Frank continued the topic of conversation. Gerard nodded.

"Hey uhm... Whos Mikey Way? If you don't mind me asking that is, you don't have to answer its just, i remember earlier our conversation got cut short because a worker said you got a letter from him." Frank asked not sure if he was crossing a line but curious none the less.
"Oh, yeah its fine. Mikey is my little brother. He's 3 years younger than me. My dad taught him from a young age that being a bottom was horrible so he was raised believing what he was told because he trusts him.
Sometimes he sends me letters asking me what Im up to and asking if i have 'repented for my sins' or some other bullshit like that. I love him, i really do. I just feel bad that our dad got to him. Regardless of how cruel some letters are, i still appreciate and look forward to them. I miss him a lot. We used to be really close. I don't blame him though, he's only a kid after all. His letters have started getting nicer though. He'll be 15 soon so Im glad he's developing opinions of his own." Gerard answered calmly.

Frank nodded not really sure what to say. Nothing really needed to be said anyways.
"Tell me more about yourself. Im sick of talking about myself." Gerard laughed.
"Why don't we play a game called 20 questions?" Frank asked.
"Yeah sure." Gerard smiled sweetly.

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