Chapter 24

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The next morning came and went in a flurry, with 'avoiding other humans' at the top of Neela's to-do list. This was avoidance was relatively easy to accomplish in a sprawling château, with enough gardens, corridors and sitting rooms to keep pesky humans at bay. Neela and her crew of family and friends were scheduled to hit the road at ten a.m., and she didn't plan on emerging a minute sooner.

With the chamber doors shut and the blinds barely open, she indulged on a croissant and coffee in an eerie silence. She took a bite and licked her lips before eyeing the half-eaten croissant. "You I will never not love," she affirmed. She noticed some flakes of croissant on her pajamas and ate those too, an act of devotion that only deepened her lifelong romance with butter.

A soft knock on the door put a stop to the buttery love fest. She instinctively closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

"It's me," Tiff said from the other side of the door.

Neela opened her eyes and seemed relieved. "Come in!"

Tiff was all dressed up in her summery best, hair in place, heels strapped on and ready to hit the road.

Neela frowned. "Seriously? That's your 'end of the trip' bus outfit?"

Tiff closed the door behind her and smirked. "And 'end of the trip' bus outfit is not a thing."

Neela sat up in bed. "Yes it is!" she insisted. "Like you know how at the beginning of a road trip you're wearing your cutest ensemble because you're so excited? But on the last day when all the fun is over, you just throw on your 'raggedy ass wrinkled whatever'? You know? Tell me that you know."

Tiff sighed. "Neela, I almost never know when it comes to you."

Neela shrugged. "Well, it's definitely a literal thing, and you're going against protocol by looking so hot." She dragged herself out of bed and started rummaging through her suitcase. "I'm gonna go for leggings and a T-shirt."

"Dante told me you guys talked last night," Tiff said suddenly.

Neela focused on the contents of her suitcase. "We did. And it was helpful." She looked up and smiled. "I'm starting to feel a lot better about the whole situation."

"I ran into your parents this morning," Tiff added.

Neela's smiled disappeared. "Oh." She seemed uncomfortable. "How uhh...are they doing?"

Tiff frowned. "I don't think your mom likes me."

Neela instantly nodded. "It's true; she doesn't."

"What?" She was taken aback. "What did I even do?"

"I think it's because you don't smile a lot," Neela said casually. "Normally it would be fine, but she also doesn't smile a lot, so she probably thought it was kinda rude that you tried to infringe on her 'not smiling' dominance in the worldwide market."

Tiff shook her head. "You've gotta be joking."

Neela collapsed onto the floor. "Maybe I am joking, I don't even know Tiff!" She sighed. "I guess it'd just be easier if she hated you, so I didn't have to face the wrath of her hating what I did last night." She looked up at Tiff desperately. "Do you have anything you could use to sedate her? Or me? Like please, knock me out for the entire bus ride."

Tiff leaned over and grabbed Neela by both of her forearms. She pulled her up to her feet with a surprising amount of strength. "No one is getting drugged. You're going to get dressed, and then you're going to pack, and then you're going to get on that bus." She smiled. "And I'm going to help you."

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