Boss Bitch

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Ever since Kylie found out about her powers, anyone that came for Donna and Kylie was a dead man (or woman) and they never stood a chance against the Sinister Sirens.

And they got to live life the way they wanted to in Gotham, and in a good way. With their Siren Song, they could get basically anything they wanted for free. Donna used her power to get everything that Kylie could ever want, and Kylie was never afraid to show her Siren status in the clothes she wore, from sparkly to vibrant and everything in between.

Donna: (also for club later in the chapter)

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Kylie also loved to skate. She was the best at roller derby and loved to crush anyone in her path. She was skating with ease at the roller derby, pushing people out of the way, kicking them down, whipped forward by another skater so she could push a guy against the fence, punching him in the face.

Donna was in the crowd, smiling, laughing, cheering for her daughter, proud.

Kylie's friend, Cassandra Cain, was also in the crowd, smiling and cheering for her friend. She used her pick pocket skills to pick the pocket of the woman next to her.


Speaking of friends, Donna went to the club with one of her friends from prison, from the Suicide Squad, Harley Quinn. They were sitting at a table with other women, taking shot after shot, both of them laughing.

"Pudding and I broke up," Harley admitted. "I hadn't told that to anyone."

"Seriously?" Donna asked.

"Yeah," Harley answered. "For good this time. And for the first time in a long time, I'm all on my lonesome."

Donna sighed, nodding in understanding. "Welcome to the club."

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