4. Clashes of Emeralds and Sapphires

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The moment was tense. All the members of my House and my team had high expectations on me. That day was the thirteenth of October, my first match for the Inter - House Championship.

'This is my only chance to earn some fame and recognition to Ravenclaw' I thought as I saw the starry sky ceiling of our Common Room.

"Will I be able to do this?" I asked Caren, his hair turned yellow as he said "The Usool I know and I believe is capable of doing anything!"

I felt reassured. But still. After all, I had the responsibility to catch the Snitch. I changed to my Cobalt blue Quidditch robes, Dave told me about Wronski Fient, a technique Seekers use to distract the opponent Seeker by creating a fake Snitch illusion.

Pressure was building up every second as I picked my Nimbus 2001, my faithful racing broom and went past the banner 'Ravenclaw V/S Slytherin' and at last to the Quidditch Pitch where whole Hogwarts was watching us.

Madam Hooch was in a corner waiting for us. All went front, I lingered behind. My brothers noticed it and slowed down to reach me. I made a nervous eye contact with them. There was no time for a pep talk. Shihad gave a warm and reassuring smile and Jahan rubbed my back encouragingly. I mouthed a small 'Thanks guys' and joined them. I saw my house mates cheering for me. Madam Hooch was in the middle, while we, the Ravenclaws were in the right and the Slytherins were in the left. Even Wahid Fazal, their Seeker ws there.

Wahid was a Slytherin who was in my year. He was a head taller than me, had messy bronze brown hair and jet black eyes in which his his ambitious nature was evident. He gave me a warning look and turned away; trying to make me understand that the Golden Snitch was his. Time will tell. The captains shook hands.
"Players! Mount your brooms!"

We mounted. The whistle blew and there were fourteen brooms flying all over the sky. Vanessa Smith, a second year Hufflepuff girl,was in for the commentary.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe and remembered our practice and what Dave told me. 'I can do this!' I told myself over and over again.

By five minutes, Dave's friend Eddie put the Quaffle through.
"Ravenclaw scores! Ten - zero!"

I was in the corner searching for the Snitch and so was Wahid. I finally saw the tiny golden ball with silver wings flutter past a Slytherin Chaser's back. I kicked through the air and followed it but Wahid caught up.

"Slytherin scores! Ten - each!" I heard Vanessa say. Me and Wahid were behind the Snitch, passing over and under Chasers and doing somersaults in the air.

The Snitch, which was whizzing only round the Pitch, started to go straight up. As usually, we followed, reaching neck to neck. But then, something terrifying happened!

My Nimbus 2001, which was steady all along started to act weird. It started to wobble, my control over it was gone, that too just when I managed to take a lead from Wahid.
I tried my level best, did everything Dave told and tried to hold on. But my broom gave such a violent shudder that I lost my balance and started to fall! I was maybe, a hundred feet above the ground and a fall from that height results in nothing but death!

It. Was. HORRIFYING! I WAS GOING TO DIE! I closed my eyes trying to prepare myself for the impact. The last thing I noticed was Wahid's eyes going wide in alarm. I prayed to God to forgive my sins and promised him not to show my tongue to Jahan.

Just then I felt as if I landed on a cushion. When I opened my eyes, I saw that I was on a cloud. Am I dead? I did not feel any impact, though. Death can be painless, I guess. I looked at the sky with clasped hands and said, "God! Please forgive me for what all I have done..."

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