8. Foundation Of Suspicion.

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Less than a month after Rachel's death, something was going off track. We also were to see Payal that weekend (that's secondary) at St. Mungo's. But this sudden change was unexpected.

Lately I've been hearing rumors about Professor Hart by some students that she's gone insane, her 'Daily Prophet phobia' which I neglected as useless somehow seemed to be the reason for her cracking up and one class was enough for me to agree with them.

The three of us, me, Caren and Megan were heading to our Defense Against the Dark Arts class when my sack suddenly tore and everything fell from it. My ink bottle shattered, my textbooks and parchment rolls soaked in ink. I rolled my eyes. "My bad! Have any extra bottle of ink to lend?" I asked Caren.

"Always, I'll lend you one."

I smiled and bent down to pick the texts up, they waited. I told them to move on and I'd be back. I was shaking the textbooks to dry them faster when a girl ran up to me and started to help. I was a bit busy and I had a class to attend, I didn't look at her face. She was probably a year younger than me.

"Sorry!" She whispered, picking some books and giving it to me. "I did that!" She added.

I looked at her. It took a few seconds for me to recognize her. She was that same third year girl I had sent to bring Madam Pomfrey, the day Rachel died.

We got up. She handed me the ink bottles she fixed and I cleaned the spilt ink. I fixed my sack and kept everything inside.  I turned to go but she blocked my way and hugged me. My sweater started to feel wet as she started to shake, sobbing uncontrollably and repeatedly chanting 'I'm sorry!'

God! I know I am a huggable person, but that doesn't means that each and every person I see can come and pounce upon me. I didn't know how to react. That Hufflepuff girl had almost lost my knocked me off but I maintained my balance.

"It's alright!" I said, flustered. Others around me sniggered. "What happened? Why are you crying? Don't cry!"

"No!" She sniffed. "I am a disgrace infront of your eyes. Had I come on time, she would have been saved, but I didn't. I'll never forgive myself for this!" She sobbed.

"Calm down! Calm down! It isn't your fault. You won't come late intentionally, will you?"

She shook her head.

"That's my girl! Now don't cry and tell me what happened!"

"Did you forgive me?"

"Now if you don't stop crying, I'll be angry with you for life!"

She sniffed and immediately wiped her tears with her robes sleeves.


She took a deep breath. "I was going to bring her when someone blindfolded and pulled me. When they were removed, I found myself in a deserted lane. I called out for whoever was there, but no response. I took my wand and threatened him, no response still. I tried to work my way out when I got hit on the head. My vision blurred. My feet seemed to lose ground. I turned back to see a black hooded person holding a club in his hand. I tried to hex him but he hit me harder. There was a black out. I woke up in the Hospital Wing two days later. Madam Pomfrey told me everything....."

She opened her mouth to say more when her eyes filled up with guilt. She looked as if this burden was there on her for a month and spent sleepless nights crying in her bed. The blemishes around her eyes proved it.

I sighed and pulled her to my chest, stroking her head. She too responded by wrapping her arms round my waist tightly. "I'm really sorry!" She choked again.

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