Chapter 2//Meeting Pt One

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I walk through the front doors and into my living to see my brother and friends sitting around and playing video games. As they recognise my presence, Colton and his friends greet me with a smile and a quick nod of the head. I reply with a mute hello when suddenly I recognise a face that I hadn't come across before.

We make eye contact with each other which I am sure lasted for longer than comfortable. He was cute! Realising how I am mesmerised by his eyes, Dave takes it upon himself to snap me out my daze.

'Hey Ari,' he says stepping in between me and this unfamiliar face.

'Hey,' I reply sharply still distracted by this guys presence.

'Have you not met Dylan yet?' Dave asks noticing my uneasiness. Dylan must be the boy that is causing me to feel this way. He is clearly not interested by the others video games.

'No I don't think I have,' I reply.

'Dylan come over and meet my girl Ari!' He says slinging his arm over my shoulder. I am caught off guard by his sudden affection and protectiveness over me. And since when am I his girl?

Brother's Friend/Dylan O'BrienWhere stories live. Discover now