Chapter 2// Meeting Pt 2

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I slowly moved out of dave's grasp on me and say "hey Dylan i'm Ariana, Colton's sister" I don't really know where my confidence is coming from but I just went with the flow.

"Hey I'm umm Dylan! That's right yeah haha" he says and sticks out his hand.

I shook it and an awkward silence filled the room until Colton and his friends focused back on the video game.

I said bye and went to my room and lay down on my bed. God Dylan was so cute.

I hear my phone ringer go off, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I read to contact:
"Hey babe, wanna go for a run then go eat" she says loud. We do this every Monday I don't even know why she still calls me.

"At 5 like always?" I ask knowing as that's our usual plan.

"Yep I'll be outside yours."
I hang up and check the time
I decide to get ready. I put on my pink Lululemon compression top and Lorna Jane shorts with Asics and pull my hair up in a pony and put a black Lululemon headband.

Yes, I like to make myself look presentable even when running.
It was 5 and assuming it's Claire rang the doorbell.

Walk down the staircase and see Colton is trying to impress claire.
I rolled my eyes and pushed Colton away.

"see you baby" Colton says to Claire she laughs and I close the door.

"Hey I forgot how cute your brother was" Claire says.

I look at her in disgust. "ew, Colton is disgusting Claire, you know that and you have a boyfriend!" said.

"Yeah, but I can still look around Jake and I just make out all the time " she says.

We start running, then sprinting, then walking.

All up that was about 8 miles. Claire and I have done track and cross country since elementary school, so that isn't much for us.

We decided to go to a juice bar where we go after our runs and get the green smoothie because it is life and I can't live without it.

Claire starts talking about new people at our school.

"Hey what about that Dylan guy, Ari I saw him looking at you"

I smiled and said "yeah he's cute but I don't really think he was into me because he didn't really notice me much when I was talking to him before. he just stuttered and was looking away"

"Omg that means he likes you duh!" Claire said like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Uhh no" I said said.

"You'll wait and see Ari. He'll come to you."

"Confusing but eh" I said as we start to walk home.

We got home and it was like 6:30 bye Claire see you in the morning" I said and gave her a hug even though we are going to see each other in like 14 hours.

"Bye babe!" She says.

I walk inside and see that only Dylan is here and my mom is making dinner.

She see me and says "hi baby! How was school my lovely and your run?"
"Alright and alright" I say being honest.

"oh the new neighbours are staying for dinner and what a coincidence that the new neighbour's son is Colton's new friend!"

"Yeah" I say surprised
I thought it was just an old couple moving into the home down the street.
"Go get something nice on okay Hun" mom says.

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