Ace gambit

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(I do want all of you to know that this is an original story created with me and my buddy Darius we hope that you appreciate the story and then we would love to hear how you all feel about it)

Chapter 1

When the world of full of freak shows, monster, god and devil of all shapes and sizes, who would rule over the other?

Power? Strength? Intelligence? Or shear charisma, it always comes down to one of these things.

For many of pure brute strength they are like coal always under pressure, as they fight rages on they incased in that heat of their rage and are forged into diamonds.

For others the power to connect with the world, to understand its bounty and how you can use it to your advantage, it pushes you to your limits, even when you fail. They can say you did it with all of your heart. And sometimes you have to let it go to stand above it all. Or it can forge new bonds to those you least excepted.

Some would say it takes a lot of luck to be born into power, other say you have it earn it. But few can say they are entitled to it and those few, will fight for it and some times it pays to have the luck of the devil or a four leaf club on you side.

The one that stands against all of it, the world will never understand that you don't have to be directly be apart of it when you can think you way out of every situation and let them fight it out among each other as you look at the spade, your intelligence and your available resources, you use to build the bunker to shun the rest of the world just to watch it burn down.

And like all of these we have our district, the world divided into the massive four. Strength, power, charisma, intelligence, diamonds, hearts, clubs and spades.

There been few to say they can stand at the top, but the ones that do are worthy of its rank as its Ace.

Ace of diamonds, a monster to its people but to him, they are all equal monsters. But you must be insane not to just live and fight among them for their constantly at each other's throats but because their part of the world they live in, it like hell on earth with disaster. From storms like hurricanes constantly, earthquakes like the world was falling apart. Food and water constantly scarce to the point that murder is preferable then starvation. Though humans mainly dominate the lands, hybrids of creatures I've along them, from the adorable fox people only up to one hip, to the dragonoid people who can stand taller then yourself and wings to take off into the skies and dominate it like it was their rights. Do not mistake them for easy pray for each and ever member of the diamond district, is capable ripping you apart thanks to a natural phenomena of elemental control. Fire, air, lightning, earth and the very rare sign of turns ones own being in existence into a weapon, their soul.

Ace of hearts, a man so far gone that he is worshiped like a god those to deny that belief, it is blasphemy in the minds of any other. Though they are the same as many others found through out other districts, they consider themselves outcast. But it will never stop their praise of their gods, which over this person maybe. These dedicated followers of this god have proven time and again that the hunt for beastly shadows that live within the world of their territory are not just to prove their skill but to prove to their god all together that they value his word to destroy his rival that controls the beast. Shadow hounds and gorillas, powerful enough to smash through wood, stone and steel like they where wet paper. In this territory, the hunt ends when there no monsters to fight, but even then tensioned run high for the next raid among the small barricades towns and small cities. Their worlds confined within as they peak over the wall to see, ruins, vegetation, and death ready to claim their souls and bodies to expand the ever infinite army of the beast to hunt again.

Ace of clubs,a world of compete glory as the world is filled to the bring with lights, sounds of celebration, lead a young hot headed man but cool to the touch as he absorbs the fame of his admirers. And any that oppose him, is brought back to reality with his sacred guards, some say the devil himself walked beside the ace. No would would dare to ask for it maybe the last thing they ever see.

Ace of spades, a district lost to the world as it lost its worth in the world. All it took, was one person to build the wall to keep the rest of the world out, and now it's is more like a prison to any who get in. Everyone states to live there is suicide, with technology running rampant beyond the wall, those people understand they are not ready to be overwhelmed by the ever grown span of machines that wouldn't hesitate to mow them down like germs to an open flame.

This is the story of our four aces, as they battle with each other but also themselves as they find peace for all. A journey worthy of writing an epic tale for each of them, but for them their trails are nothing more then mundane experiences, their bonds that flourish and their wills to make their wrongs rights once again.

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Ace Gambit

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