Ace of clubs 3

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Chapter 4
Ace of clubs pt3

"Round two ladies and gentlemen, remember this is knock out only. So don't hesitate to give it your all to knock each other into next week." The announcer said as he rallied the crowd into a stir as they all cheer.

"Ready! FIGHT!" The bell rang again as Jade and Jackson instantly dive at each other neither of them hesitating to swing at each other, Jade still going for weak spots on his body while he still swung for her head trying to even land a scrap on her.

Jade continued to smile as she shot several punches on him forcing him back into a corner. Jackson now on the defensive as he took several shots in the ribs and forearms to block her strikes. Jade seem to only get more aggressive as the fight went on and each punch landing on her opponent, like she was going into a frenzy of strikes till she finally stopped for a split second as he pulled his arms aside to see her next move only for her fist to fly in fast and go straight for his nose breaking it on impact as bounced back into the corner dropping onto the ropes to hold himself up. Jade still in her frenzy started to unload heavy strike after heavy strike on his face turning him a bloody mess as his eyes finally rolled back into his head dropping down into the corner unconscious. "That's it people! It's all over Jade is still the undisputed champion!"

Jade pulled back and raised her arms up in the air in victory as the announcer moved in and raised her arm. The crowd cheered before the manager of Jackson stepped in. "Wait wait wait! There is no way in hell he could've lost so easily, there had to be something in her gloves to make easier on her!" The manager shouted.

"How can you be so sure?" The announcer said holding away the microphone. "He wants me to take off my gloves to prove I don't have something in them. Being a sore loser isn't something that is tolerates around here.. but I'll do it just to make you happy, hows that?" She smiled as she ripped her gloves off and handed them to the referee.

He swiftly inspected the gloves to see the stitching loose clearly tampered with. "Hold on people looks like we might have an over rule."

"Their heavier yes, but still within permitters. It looks like there more stuffing in it, not less." The referee said looking out at Jade. " what's the point of making you have more stuffing in it, makes it harder to punch people."

"Harder? I still punch harder then his punches because he's the one going to be black and blue not me, besides I figured I had to limit myself to some degree. People keep complaining that oh I'm too strong I shouldn't be aloud to fight people. Well I decided it better to handicap myself. I could've just boxed him with one hand but that's just embarrassing." Jade said reaching up and letting her hair loose as it runs down her back. The toxic green color almost matching her green eyes as she smiled to her self.

The manager was angry with Jade but looked back at Jackson to see him well passed the point of a rematch and if she was telling the truth it would just be more humiliating to him to fight on fair grounds.

"Everyone it looks like Jade is still our winner, after a little more debate with the referee has still come to the same conclusion!"

The crowd was shocked and in a hush tone before the sound of dice voice chiming in through the speakers. "You put up a good fight lumber Jackson. You got a very good style, I like it, meet me after the match because I want to personally congratulate you on your hard work with a private dinner with myself and my face cards. Just to show there is no hard feelings between us."

"You hear that ladies and gents! Dice himself wanted to applaud him for his hard work! Even at a loss it was a hard earned victory to get his words. Give him a around of applause!"

The crowed casino erupted in cheers as Jackson finally coming too, pushed himself up to his feet.
His crew somewhat startled by his need to get back up, though wobbly and holding to the ropes to stay up right he stood. His face a bit of a bloody mess before his manager walks back over to him and hands him a towel to clean his face off.

"That's it ladies and gents the fight of the night is over, later tonight we will be hosting the big swingers band. Stay tuned!" The tv said as they faded to commercial. The bartender looking back over at the drunk his face unfazed but clear that he was upset just by the aura he gave off.

The bartender reluctantly placed his hand over the pouch of coins as he pulled it back deeper into the bar. The mark on the man hand burning again till it faded till there wasn't even a mark to his rank. "No no no! God damn it!"

"I'm sorry sir but you are officially no longer a member of the club district..." the bartender said looking to the rest of the low ranked citizens who turned away from them, their head sunken as they all look down at their coins.

"You know the rules sir, when your out of coins and you lost every rank it means you can not live any kind of life in the district." The bartender said as he pushed himself away from the bar turning to the bottles on the rack and pulling one and pouring a shot before turning to the drunk. "One last parting gift."

The drunk angry as he slapped the shot aside as it smashed into the wall. "THIS IS BULLSHIT! That match had to be rigged, it a fucking trick I swear it."

"Sir-" "no dont bullshit me, there is no way in hell a girl like her is that strong and be apart of this district. If that guy was also apart of this place then how he he'll did she get so strong?"

"Sir you are making a sene, you lost fair and square it was a match where either of them would have won. She was just better fighter and she proved it. It's time for you to go before I call security."
The bartender said pushing himself back away from the bar as he raised a hand to an emergency button on the wall.

The drunk was reluctant but got up from the bar and kicked aside the stool as he moved out of the away from the low roller section into the high roller area. "Fuck you! I'm going to get some answers and you can't stop me!"

The bartender shook his head as his hand over the button shook, everyone in the area looked back at him and they shook their heads at him. He took a deep breath as he pulled his hand away from the button and let it be. "You have no idea what it cost me to do my job, and to help those few who can't make it to the top."

The drunk swiftly moving forward through the crowd as he moved into a large casino area where they can see the ring surrounded by several dozen tables and chairs some placed to watch the ring while others placed to play poker and other casino games. The crowd was lively as they all rolled their dice and flipped their cards into high winnings.

"Fucking rigged I swear it's all rigged." The drunk muttered under his breath as he looks up to see several people crowding around a table as they all cheered for Dice, him playing cards flipping to show an ace and a king. "21! Yes baby, I'm never losing that magic touch." He shouted as the played with Jackson at the table, him icing his face from the fight, Jade, scarlet and psycho still standing beside him. Jade taking several drinks from the passing hostess. Dice swiftly giving her a slap on the ass. "Keep up the good work." He said with a wink to the hostess who smiled sheepishly as she moved away. "Cutie, needs a raise from that position. What do you fellas think!?"

"Yeah!" They chanted as some whistled at the girl as she walked over to the bar. "What do you think Jackson? You like her?"

"Huh, Sorry, my ears are still ringing." He said softly as he holds the ice pack a little better on his head.

"Ah right sorry, then maybe we should move over to somewhere a bit quieter. I have a very special set of rooms for my face cards and some rare high rollers. Come on, I promised to treat your for your efforts this evening. Might as well hold on to my word." Dice said getting up.

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