Ace of clubs 6

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Chapter 6
Ace of clubs pt5

The hall seemed to get more and more claustrophobic without a shift of the size or shape but it was clear to the drunk this isn't what he was expecting. The paintings and the art work became fewer as he progressed forward till it was nearly 500 feet from the previous hall that leads to the high roller area. The air in the hall was dense like it was pushing through a pool of water. Each passing step dragged just from its atmosphere.

"What the hell is going on?" The drunk said softly to himself. Every fiber of his body screamed that this was a bad idea to the point he started to sober us. "This is bad.." he mumbled to himself as he pressed himself against the wall, the feeling of vertigo clear to him.

He pushed forward a few more feet as he found another hallway, but it was moving downwards a set of stairs. It was poorly lit, the feeling of the water like movements was getting thicker still as he stared down into it.

He peered back up down the hall and back the way he came to see slight movement in the distance as Psycho pushed himself down the hall before stopping at the start of the hall. The drunk ducked into the stairwell hall trying to get out of sight, he could feel his breathing getting heavy just by doing so. He didn't move, he didn't speak, he could barely breath as he listened intently but he didn't have to listen as he felt the force of Psycho's footsteps moving down the hall towards him.

The drunk looked back down the stairs and though he was reluctant he forced himself down them. Each step was hell to push through. "I can't... I don't want to go down anymore.. this doesn't feel.." he said to himself before stopping halfway down the stairs till it was just dim light from the previous hall illuminating the stairs. The drunk slowly turned back to look up the stairs but his eyes widened as he held his breath.

Psycho silhouette being outlined by the light of the hall behind him was like death itself stood at the top. The drunk turned around slowly to face him, getting ready to charge but in that moment, all it took was Psycho to take one step down the stairs for the drinks heart to pound like kick bass from a drum set. He could feel the cold of the hall wash over him.

"What are you doing here." The gravel and the weight of Psycho voice was like a bolder placed over the drunks shoulders and a fear of a child being found out in a parent's belongings.

The drunk couldn't find the words or the energy all he could do was stare up the stairs at him. Psycho took one more step down, the drunk took a step backwards down the stairs and the patterned continued till the drunk was on flat ground again. Drenched in the black of the hall as the only light that could be seen was that from behind Psycho. To the drunk, his entire figure took up the hall. His pitch black clothing absorbs any remaining light cutting through his silhouette as he stepped down to the flat ground barely 30 feet from the drunk as he finally stopped with his back against an ice cold wall. The drunk reached around behind himself in a slight panic till he felt the ice cold handle of a door. He twisted it to find it surprisingly unlocked. The drunk grab hold and turned himself instantly to face it as he pulled it open but stopped as his eyes adjusted.

The door wasn't typical, was massive and made of steel, heavy, and bolted to the wall like a vault but with a small latch handle. It was only a split second that his eyes looked at it but it was clear. The drunk wasn't going to go through it, he slowly backed away from the door before he stepped back into an equally menacing presents as every single hair on his body jolted. Psycho lifted a single hand, reaching around and placed it on the front of his collar. Forcing the drunk to turn to him. The drunk shut his eyes as Psycho looked down at him, scanning him intently like he was piercing straight into his soul.

"What are you doing here?" He said, the gravel of his voice made the already claustrophobic atmosphere even more so as the drunk opened his eyes and looked up at him. Locking eyes with the animal like golden eyes.

"I got... lost.." He mumbled softly. Psycho fist tightened on his collar as he pinned him to the wall with such force he could feel his body sober in an instant. "Fuck." He said softly as felt the pain of being slammed.

Psycho looked down at him for only a second before turning to the door. He reached out and grabbed hold of the door and swung it open with a slam into the wall. The sound echoed into the room as the thick heavy smell of iron and salt filled the drunks nose like a wave from the salty sea was over him.

Dice and Jackson sat at the table both of them now finishing their meals. "How was it?"

"This is probably the best thing I've had in my life, back home this would've never been even considered." Jackson said as he took the napkin cleaning his mouth. "Where are you from by the way? It's very clear that you aren't from around here and yet you managed to climb the rank so quickly against everyone else. And we are probably the most hospitable territory so having well off fighters around here is rare."
Jade said looking down at Jackson.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt, I'm from diamond district. I came here to get away from the fighting, I'll admit it has been nice living here but it is clear that I don't fit in with the rest of the people. To say I'm different is an understatement but I don't like living there any more. You see a lot of.. shit there.." Jackson said as he zoned out a bit.

"I've never been outside my district, what kind of things have you seen?" Dice said taking a sip of his drink.

"If you haven't seen it, then you probably couldn't imagine." Jackson said softly. Jade silently chuckled to herself not letting Jackson see it.
Dice waved his hand slightly and shaking his head trying his best not to draw attention from Jackson as Jade took a breath to calm herself.

"Come on Jackson, it can't be that bad if you managed to make it this are." Dice said trying to push him to talk. "I've seen plenty of things that are pretty bad. I was raised in a pretty bad part of town before I became ace. It was pretty nasty."

"What kind of things have you seen?" Jackson said looking up at him.

Dice lifted up a hand and placed it to his chin. "Rape, murder, extortion, people are willing to do anything just for a few coins. You would be surprised. I hated that life because I was always above it. People never knew how to Handle themselves because they let greed get to them. People killing each other for something as small as scraps."

"Then our worlds aren't too far apart from this half to that half. Then how did you make this place fit your demand so easily? You look like you have everything under control here."

"All it takes is the right connection and people to help keep the peace. Having some well trained bodyguards helps too but that's granted." Scarlet said chiming in for dice.

"I see." Jackson said looking down at his half empty cup, picking it up to take his last sip.

"What with you and your manager? He seems like he really pushes you to do things?" Jade said.

Jackson looks up to her. "He's alright, but he doesn't push me, I think I push him to have him push me. I told him I wanted to be at the top like an ace but here it's a completely different trial and looking at it all, I can say I wouldn't be able to take the pressure of all the fame and glory. Diamond, there you fight to rank up, the more command, battle and abilities you have, you stand a better chance of surviving."

"What do you don't have and infinite number of specific ranks?" Scarlet said taking down notes.

"Well no, not exactly. Commanders have higher ranks then anyone else, a chain of command. Just like you report to Dice we report to our commander and if they get killed who ever killed them takes the rank. So fighting for power is literal."

"That's a pretty hard world to live in."

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