Ace of clubs 5

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Chapter 5
Ace of clubs pt4

With psychos swiftly crafting a path for the group they moved through the casino, crowds on crowds of people all pushing their way over to meet Dice as he high fives and hugged several of the high rollers who he chose were worthy. Jackson slowly lumbering behind as he could barely see as he stumbled into several tables. "Damn it." He said softly, his manager slowly moved in to help him get his barring again. "Hey maybe you shouldn't go with him tonight. Jade really got you good and you need time to recover."

"No it's okay, I'll manage it's just a bit of bruising and swollen eye, it's not a big deal."

"I mean we could always do this another time Jackson, I'm sure you're very tired and that your manager really worries about you." Dice said looking over his shoulder to him.

"No I swear I'm fine, please. I don't want to be rude for your hospitality since you are the ace of the district." Jackson said pushing forward. "Are you sure? What about your manager?"

"He's fine, besides I've been stressing him out too much since I started boxing to level up. Figured I push my brawns to good use. I was never lucky with machines or people so I figured I make my away into a better life the way I know best. Roger, go ahead and take a rest, you earned it."

The manager looks at Jackson stunned as he was swiftly left behind in the crowd. "Don't let you head stay in the clouds for too long Jackson."

"There they go, I'm going to follow them. Fucking bullshit that they can pull a stunt like this. It's rigged I know it." The drunk man said as he watched from a distance into a back hall where it got less and less crowded and the sound of machines fading. The drunk followed slowly behind him trying to play it cool as he stood about the hall, watching as more security walk through the hall. He swiftly ducks his hand under his arm playing sick as the guard spot him. "Hey you!"

"Yeah?" He slurred trying to play up his intoxication to possibly get by the guards.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for the restroom, I had a bit.. hick* too much to drink and I need to take a piss." He said stumbling into the wall. The guards rolled their eyes. "Fine, down the hall on your left, but move fast, we are not interested in cleaning up your mess." The guard said as the move away from the drunk.

He slowly stumbled down the hall till the security where out of ear shot as he looks down the hall to see several corridors, firm carpet running through all of them a slightly tinted tan color to the walls with paintings and portraits strewn about.

"What is this place?" Jackson said looking around at all the paintings.

"My personal collection of paintings, art work and memories. Here we can see the wall of previous aces. Just because I'm the most current ace doesn't mean I have any kind of disrespect for any of the previous ones. Each one has their perks and I try to learn from them to make the lives of our citizens the best it can be by working hard, spending coins and over all knowing when to fold. Really, I think it's just my taste for the different." Dice said as he points out to several different sculptures of fairly nice abstract art and paintings of previous aces.

"Yeah, no kidding." Jackson said as he moved through the hall behind them, psychos now the one behind them sometimes checking over his shoulder to make sure they are not being followed, this making Jackson nervous. "What about you big guy, what's your story?"

"Psychos? He's been with me ever since I became ace. He doesn't talk much but he follows instructions to a T, what would I do without him honestly." Dice said with a smile.

"Nothing obviously," Psychos said in a deep voice. Almost making the call they stood echo from just the gavel of it. Scarlet and Jade both chuckling, "Yeah well I guess you're not wrong, I am pretty lazy when it comes down to it. But when you deserve everything that you have. To say I'm... entitled is like say fish do not deserve to live in the sea. It's completely bullshit." Dice laughed, Jackson slightly forcing a laugh.

"Oh come on I'm just joking, look I love my people and I don't mind sharing this kingdom with them, as long as they know who's who. They can almost do whatever they want." Dice said walking backwards facing Jackson. "To be perfectly honest I've been thinking of expanding but in order to do that, I do need help from time to time so I learned to make some friends who can do that. I'm sure you would like to meet them but maybe later. For now I still owe you dinner." Dice said spinning on his heal as he pushed through a set of double doors fading into the pitch black as they all move in.

Psychos slowly pushing Jackson in and closing the door behind. With the sound of clapping hands the lights come on as a massive chandelier comes on with a cream color light, filling the room to show several casino tables, nicely laid out tables with candles and silver wear. A bar spanning several dozen feet with every sort of drink under the sun stocked. Dice moving over bar and without hesitation pulled a bottle and placed it on the counter with two cups. He poured out the drinks and slides it over, "come, come, here this one is one of my favorites, brandy ages to perfection honestly." Dice said as he looked out and whistled hard till the light in the next room lit up. "Can we get some food please, thank you." Dice shouts as the sounds of pots and pans could be heard in the other room.

Jackson stunned just by sight almost unable to move as he looked about at the elegance of the rooms, before locking back on dice as he waved him over to get his drink. Psychos tapping him in the back to move.

"What the Hell is this place, this must be the extremely high roller area. Why did he bring Jackson all the way back here?" The drunk said cautiously as he moved from art piece to art piece. "I don't like where this is going, but I have to find a way to get back to my rank." He thought to himself as he finally find another branching hall away from the one he was following.

The sound of a watch going off on scarlets wrist as she looks down to read, she looks up to Dice, their brief connection clear as psychos moves off and goes back out the double doors. "Finally." Jackson said softly to himself as he looks back over his shoulder to see psychos leave the room as the door shuts.

"Did you say something?" Dice said looking down at his half empty cup. "Oh it's nothing, just your king, he is a bit-" "imitating, I know that's why I love the guy. Knows how to keep people in line. But trust me, get to know him and you'll like him too."

The sound of the door swinging open as two waiters moving forward with silverware, the sound of sizzling and clinking metal could be heard.

Dice smiled as he set his cup aside, "nice just in time. Yes just set it right there." Dice said getting up waving him over to come sit down, pulling out a seat for Jackson to sit. "This is a bit much don't you think?"

"Oh please, tell me that when I start pampering you like an actual ace. Then it's too much, besides you should enjoy the little things in life, we take those kinds of things for granted. And don't be afraid to try something new because you never know when it might be your last chance."

Dice moved over to his sit and sit down as Jade and scarlet move and lift the lids of their silver trays to reveal a set of steaks grilled to perfection as dice swiftly picks up his silverware and digs in. "Go on Jackson don't be shy," Scarlet said watching him pick up his silverware.

Psychos swiftly moved down the call as he watched in the instance. His moves like a truck through the hall not stoping for anything or looking other then that way. The drunk swiftly ducking into the hallway he had spotted and swiftly moved down the hall moving deeper and deeper till he was nearly at the end to hide. The hall got tighter and dimmer still it was almost claustrophobic.

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