Ace of clubs part 2

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Chapter 3
Ace of clubs pt2

The crowd of thousands exploded with cheers as they witness the ace of clubs show off in his entrance to the arena, Jade smiling to herself as she listened to the crowd cheering. Psycho unfazed by the cheers as he pushed forward pushing people back from climbing over the red rope to reach out to the ace. Scarlet following beside the ace as she holds out the clipboard, showing the ace several notes about the statistics of the upcoming fight. The ace still smiling to himself as he reached up and pealed off his glasses and placed them in shirt pocket. His bright gold eyes where like coins to the crowds as he looks up and waves to them. The ace shouted out as he moved over to the ring as psychos boosted him up over the edge before reaching down to help scarlet up. The ace giving her a hand as well by sitting on the middle rope to lower it enough to her dress not to get caught. Scarlet smiled to him and nodded as she made her way into the ring to see Jade standing in the other side. "Hey sis it's been a minute, you look good for once." She said with a smile teasing her sister about her new outfit.

"Yeah well I wanted to look good for today, I wish you took my advice sometimes and not spend your entire time wearing rags." Scarlet smiles back before giving her sister a hug.

Psychos didn't say a word as he reach up to the top rope well over 10 feet from the ground floor and pulled himself up with little effort before climbing over the rope itself into the ring like it was just a low wall to him. He locked eyes with the opposing fighter before stepping towards him forcing scarlet to pull him back. "Hey this a legit fight and you can't go around beating people up right now psychos. I know your eager but have some patients."

Psychos looks down at scarlet, a narrowed brow in anger as he grit his teeth before turning away from the fighter, his expression was very clearly stating fuck you to psychos just by the way he glared at him.

The announcer moved into the ring with a microphone as he rallied the crowd into a frenzy. "Everyone big and small, our ACE! ALL TOGETHER!"

"Dice! Dice! Dice! DICE! DICE! DICE!" The crowd chanted to till he picked up the microphone, he smiled to himself as he lifted it up to his mouth but before he could even speak the crowd was going more wild then it was a moment ago.

"Is this what you wanted ladies and gentlemen!? If it is? I want to hear you scream my name!"

"Dice!" Everyone scream at once as Dice smiled before breaking into a laugh. "YEAH BABY THATS WHAT I LIKE TO HEAR!" The crowd though exhausted just from chanting and screaming they still tried to cheer even louder.

"Alright, thank you for the cheers that should be enough." Dice said slightly lowering the mic but people still going wild made him shake his head. "Fine one more, Who do you love!?"


"Fuck yeah! Drinks are on me!" He shouted as he lifted up the microphone into the air as people in the crowd finally started to die down from just their cheers. "Alright but for real now. Let's get on with the match. In this corner! We have the jack of Club THE UNDISPUTED CHAMPION, JADE!
AND IN THIS CORNER WE HAVE THE BEAST FROM THE FOREST, LUMBER JACKSON!" The crowd unable to hold anymore cheers clapped and whistled as they all watch as Dice slowly moved back to the edge of the ring. "This match is for knock out only, we will have three rounds, so let's give these people a good show." Dice said handing the microphone off to the announcer as psychos moved over passed dice to help him down again, scarlet swiftly moving in behind both of them. "DICE! Who do you have money on! I want to win!" A voice in the crowd shouted as dice stepped out to the edge of the ring before hearing that question the announcer moved over to hand him back the microphone.

"He, you already know who im betting on, face cards always win." He said with a wink as he tossed the microphone up into the air forcing the announcer to catch it.

The crowd slowly started to die down as they all reach back over the edge of the ropes, psycho blocking them from bum rushing dice as he moved up the stairs to his personal view box. A bartender, stationed behind a small bar with an assortment of high quality drinks. One was ready and placed in the center of the bar over a coaster. "Whiskey on the rocks." Dice said as the bartender nodded as he took the other glasses swiftly shining them. "I knew you wouldn't disappoint." Dice said with a smile as he takes it in hand before moving over to the window and sitting down in a comfortable leather recliner looking out the window locking eye with the announcer as dice lifted a hand motioning for the bell to ring.

"All bets are locked ladies and gents. Now let the fight! START!" The ding of the bell was loud as Jade lifted both of her hands up into a boxing stand as did Jackson.

Jade moved in fast as she dodge several large lumbering punches, each one missing as she moving back and forth between his fist like she could tell exactly were they where going. She smiled softly just dodged the attacks out of the fun of it. Jackson starting to get irritated pushes forward forcing her to dodge backwards into a corner of the ring. He continued to swing wildly, missing her head by inches. Jade didn't even flinch as she took a swing back at him landing in his gut knocking some of the wind out of him forcing him back slightly but he lifted up his arms as he expected another punch to follow that never came.

"Did you see that ladies and gents, Jade has just pushed the giant back. This 5 foot 5, 100 pound girl has just knocked back a man twice her weight and towers nearly a foot taller than her! This girl is full of surprises."

In the moment the arena was silent as they stared each other down waiting for the next attack only for Jade to swiftly move in almost jumping up till she was looking down on him as she nailed him right in the jaw with a strong hook punch pushing him back but at the same time pushing herself back. She landed with a stumble as she shakes her fist from the punch. Jackson being as big as he was also stumbled back almost falling from the force of the punch but held himself up right before shaking his head to refocus himself. Jade moved in again as she took several swings at him as he blocked a few punches but the few that connected where intense as they were well placed in his upper chest neck and jaw. Jackson stood his ground but it was clear he was getting tired before one more punch almost landed but was halted by the ding of he bell.

"Round over! Back to your corners."

Jade smiled as she lowered her arms before backing up slowly into her corner, Jackson was pretty bruised at this point as the sight of some blood on his lip and neck from a nick from her glove from poor stitching.

The referee swiftly stepped in and pushed Jackson back into his corner to get medical attention. Jade smiled as she locked eyes with him.

"She toying with him, I guess she just feels like beating the shit out of someone today." Dice said to scarlet as she stood beside him still scribbling on the clipboard. "She was always the one to play with her toys a little too roughly."

"What district is he from? He's clearly not a lucky person to try and win at the machines if he picked a fist fight to gamble with." Dice said taking a sip of his glass.

"Lets see," scarlet said as she moved through her notes as the scribbled seem to swiftly swipe through dozens of words before being up a profile on Jackson. "Diamond district, appeared that he had a major case of bad luck there and has a bounty on his head, and one that still active even in the underground from what bolt is telling me."

"Hmm okay then, after he loses let say we give him a consolation prize of meeting my pets in the basement, I'm sure that would be a great way to get some of the other on our side." Dice said placing his cup aside.

"Jade should rap it up the next round."

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