The ship, and the Estate

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An hour later...

Inside the ship, Y/n who is camouflage, is sniffing for Blue's scent. Instead, first, he finds a large cargo, he quietly reaches for the door and slowly opens it, revealing a sleeping Rexy, and Red, who seems to be in a tight squeeze next to Rexy.

Y/n: Come on Red. We need to find your mother and sister.

Red: Do you think we could actually get through all of this, there's too many humans here.

Y/n: I'm positive. Just be careful not to make any noise.

The two hybrids walk slowly to each cargo, with Red looking through the side holes,and Y/n unlocking the latches to catch a scent. As the two sneak around, Red sees a large Cargo, and peaks inside. The hybrid's eyes widen as in the cargo, Ingrid is lying there with many scars on her sides.

Red: Mom?!

Ingrid opens her eyes and looks at the hole her daughter is peaking through.

Ingrid: Red? You got out of your box?

Red: Yes mom, what happened to you?

Ingrid: They noticed I was still awake, so they kept shocking me with sticks. My sides burn, but I'll be better once you guys find Blue and Violet. Speaking of which,did you find any of them yet?

Red: No, but they must be here… we at least hope she's on this ship and not the other one. Dad is trying to use his nose to find them, but he's having a bit of trouble. 

Ingrid: Well, he's picking up too many scents at once. Listen… I heard a dinosaur roar earlier…  a few boxes from your left. Maybe check to see if they're nearby.

Red: Alight,I'll be back mom.

Red steps away from Ingrid and begins to walk towards the boxes. She immediately recognized the box,  being where her and Rexy were locked up. She saw three humans inspecting the side of the box. She growled quietly, she took a step back, unaware of a cart full of equipment close by. Her tail knocks the cart, causing all of the tools to drop onto the floor catching everyone's attention.

???: One escaped!!

Before she could react, she was shot in the shoulder with a sedative. More hunters began to appear and aim their rifles towards the Indomraptor. She lets out a roar and swings her tail and launches two guards against a shipping container. She gets shot by two sedatives on her sides and begins to feel drowsy, but she keeps fighting. She bits down at another hunter's neck before trashing him around, before she could throw him at the group, she's shot one more time at the neck. Her eyelids began to feel heavy before she collapsed.

A hunter grabs a poll and pokes her s bit as she's unresponsive.

Hunter: 4 tranqs. Alright, someone put this thing back in its cage!

Many hunters began to get together and lift the heavy hybrid. While on top of a container, The ripper is staring intensely at the humans who just hurt his youngling. 


Zia,Franklin,Claire and Owen are all the back of a truck inside the ship with Blue who's on a medical table. Zia is currently slowly taking the bullet from earlier out. As she takes the bullet out of her, and puts it onto a tray she gives a breath of relief before looking at Owen.

Zia: She's gonna be okay.

The others laugh happily as the worry is over, that was until when the closed panel in front of them is knocked on.

Owen: *whispers* Crap it's probably Wheatley.

Owen,Claire and Franklin begin to hide, before Wheatley opens the panel.

Jurassic World AU (Indoraptor malereader)Where stories live. Discover now