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Again thank you Fandom-Princess7875 for this amazing requests.

Peter is 20 and Harley is 21 in this btw. And Stony!!!


Peter POV:
We were screwed. Hydra had just infiltrated every single Avenger related thing imaginable. Don't ask me how cause I don't know. "Well now we need a place to regroup for a while, any ideas" Steve said over the comns. "I have one place in mind and I think it's about time I visited" I offered. After we all agreed to go to my house (they just didn't know it was my house) we snagged a quinjet and I flew us there.

When we got off the quinjet all my family stood there in shock. I don't think they were expecting a multi million dollar mansion. As I went to go unlock the front door, it flew open to reveal both of my princesses and my loving husband. "Daddy!!!!! Daddy is home!!!!" both of them shouted as they tackled me. Who knew a 6 and 8 year old could tackle a full grown adult. As I got up, I was met with the lips of my husband, Harley. I realized I had completely forgotten the fact that my entire family was just standing there with their mouths wide opened. "Okay everyone" I started " This is my other family" *proceeds to point at small children and Harley*. " The older one is Sarah named after my grandmother" Steve started to cry when I said that. "And the younger one is Natasha named after Aunt Nat cause she can sneak up on you and you'll never see it coming". "I'll train her well" Aunt Nat stated through tears. "Can I hold them" Tony cried out. "Of course dad, they are your and Pops grandchildren after all" I agreed. " Why don't I go start dinner while your family gets settled, sound good?" Harley said after a few moments. "Sure I'll help them to their rooms, Natasha get up from the floor please". Aunt Nat was already teaching her how to do a somersault into a split and then finish with a flip.

I couldn't help but laugh a little. I have never seen my family so excited to see children before. "Okay everyone we can play later but we have to get all of you settled in and move the quinjet to the garage" I declared. After they all got settled, I went to check on Dad but I felt arms wrap around my waist. I heard Harley's voice start "It's great that you're home now cause now I ca-". I didn't even let him finish that sentence before I elbowed him in the gut. "Not while my family is here" I said/ semi yelled. "Okay, dinner is ready by the way" he said and turned the corner. I went to go call the family but I stopped myself when I everybody (including the girls) curled up on the floor of Dad and Pops's room. I asked Karen (she's in the house too) to take a photo and send it to everyone once they woke up. "What's taking so lo- awwwww" Harley had just saw the adorable little mountain of our two girls and the rest of the avengers piled on the floor. "Karen, can you take a ph-". "Already did sir" Karen spoke softly not to wake anyone. "They seem to be really asleep" Harley stated. "It seems they are" I said with a warm heart. " Does that mean I ca-" Harley never got to finish that sentence cause I cut him off with a kiss. "No but we can cuddle" I shot him down real quick. "Eh, I'll take it" he said as he picked me up bridal style threw me on the couch. He grabbed blankets and the remote and sat down. We ended up watching movies and eating popcorn while the rest of the family took a nap. It was a good day that day.

The End


I'm so proud of this and if any of you have requests, I'm willing to try.
Until next time

~ Squatchie
Word Count: 681

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