The man

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"COME ONE COME ALL AND VISIT THE VENICE BEACH FREAKSHOW" I heard a man announce into a microphone. This was actually happening to me, I mean I'm a no one, but it was. I watched with excitement as the performers did the most amazing things.
"Holy freakin shit" I screamed as some bitch spilt her hot coffee all over my Pierce The Veil long sleeve hooded shirt,black skinny jeans, and knee high military issue boots.
"Excuse me can I use your bathroom" I asked nervously.
"Sure you can" Todd replied. As he gestured to a small white room. I went to my car and grabbed the first thing I saw which happened to be my black professional sword swallower hoodie, black skinny jeans, and thigh high black boots. I got changed and redid my makeup that was virgin white powder, black lipstick, black eyeshadow, and solid red contacts.
"Sweet hoodie" I heard a slightly younger voice say. I turned around to see my idol morgue.
"Th-thanks" I say turning my body the rest of the way around.
"My name is Morticia" I said getting slightly more comfortable.
"Is that your real name?"morgue said under his breath.
"No it isn't but as far as I'm concerned it should be" I said crossing my arms.
"We've been looking for a new performer" Todd answered."if you impress me you have a job".
"Alright, I guess"
I then proceeded to show them my favorite acts which included pushing a metal skewer throw my jaw, swallowing a sword, and running a knife over my stomach just enough that a normal person would bleed but I didn't.
"Wow that last one was amazing" I heard Asia say clapping.
"Thank you that means a lot coming from you guys"
"What do you mean coming from us"
Jessa asked?
"We'll I've always loved the freakshow, and I watch the tv show all the time. so I'm firmiliar with all your names and talents." I responded.
"That's cool I guess"Asia said nodding.
"How long have you been performing?" Danielle asked.
"About 10 years" I said after thinking for a moment.
"than why are you just now coming to the freakshow, I mean you have talent. why did you wait so long?" Danielle replied.
"We'll I wasn't going to come at all but 2 months ago I was diagnosed with ALS Lukearics disease. So this place was on my bucket list, and here I am" I said starting to tear up.
"Oh I'm sorry I brought it up" Danielle said seeing the tears in the corner of my eye.
"Sorry I hate crying in front of people" I said turning away.
"You don't have to be embarrassed in front of us" Ali replied.
"I have something wrong with my left eye, and it bothers me when people see it." I stated my head burried in my sleeves.
"We don't judge people here just tell us what it is" Asia told me comfortingly.
"Well when I was born my left tear duct had a small clot in it, and they had to wait for my immune system to recover from the hospital to take it out. So about 2 months later they went to take out the clot and it was infected. So they removed my whole tear duct and now when I cry it's only out of my right eye."
I replied hiding my face.
"That actually sounds interesting" I heard morgue say behind me. I turned around and he was just standing there with a smirk on his face. This made me feel better but I made sure and not smile so he wouldn't see I enjoyed hearing his voice.
"Well I better go find a hotel to stay in until I can get an apartment" I said standing up.
"Does this mean you want the job"Todd asked?
"Yes, yes it does" I said hinting to a smile.
"Honey you are staying with us until you find an apartment" Danielle told me.

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