Ruzzo In Utero

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I still can't believe this happened, after helping out my aftermarket parts guy with some frankly ancient security exploits a few times he wanted to introduce me to someone. A quick secure voice chat while I'm charging with one of his friends interested in my old world knowledge as a technician. 

Most of which might as well be knowledge of cave paintings and dead languages, but institutions are typically pretty awful at updating their software, and even worse at redundancy, until they cause losses that outweigh the costs anyhow. 

Jimmy entered the chat with his usual call sign "Volty", because he's an electrical engineer, proving that access to near infinite processing power doesn't mean you're any more creative. That said, I had all the inventiveness of a late 90's teenager with my screen name "Scentless Apprentice". I still think it's funny, since I can't smell and don't have a scent, but an explained joke is like trying to revive a dissected frog.  Volty finally started the chat.  

Volty (Jimme) : "Hey SA, just opening the chat for my friend who wanted to meet you

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Volty (Jimme) : "Hey SA, just opening the chat for my friend who wanted to meet you. You should have a new certificate in your inbox now if you could go ahead and apply it. I know this is a super old encryption method but for our purposes it works and doesn't raise any flags. Oh! And remember no names" 

Scentless Apprentice (Neil): "No problem, one sec" 

*** Alan3n15m4 has joined the chat *** 

Volty (Jimmie) : "Hey Al, we can get started"

Alan3n15m4 (Ruzzo) :  Thanks Volty, and hello Scentless Apprentice. Thank you for taking the time to meet me and answering some questions

Scentless Apprentice (Neil) : No problem, Volty mentioned you were also curious about some older systems?

Alan3n15m4 (Ruzzo) : Precisely, we're interested in some older tech we're eyeing as the simplest solution to a problem , and frankly you seem to have amazing knowledge of them from everything Volty has passed on. I doubt the few folks leftover from before 2040 bothered to save any memories about these tools, code, and encryption methods. Present personas excluded of course.

Scentless Apprentice (Neil) : Oh you're an older upload too? It's nice to know I'm not the last one standing.... well rolling more precisely I guess. Though yes, it's not a lot of memory but my work was such a big part of my genetic human life, and I still geek out over that stuff. It's a hobby

Alan3n15m4 (Ruzzo) : Perfect! I'm not uploaded myself, however you could say I'm part of a long running family business. Anyhow, we're working on establishing an, at least for now, small network using some older equipment and protocols partially out of cost but it's also easier to secure something very few people know how to operate nor even recognize. After reading up on your work history and some of the advice you provided Volty, it seems like you're the most capable person to help.

Scentless Apprentice (Neil) : Obscurity Security... Wait a sec.. how did you get my work history?  

Alan3n15m4 (Ruzzo) : We may not be a large organization, but we have access to more than anyone realizes. More nefariously "we have our ways Mr Apprentice". 

Scentless Apprentice (Neil) : Why is cost a concern for your network then?

Alan3n15m4 (Ruzzo) : The cost isn't a question of expense, it needs to be simple and cheap enough to easily replaceable and easily disposable 

Scentless Apprentice (Neil) : That makes sense, provide the specs and I can figure something out. It'll take me a bit of extra time though since working on something outside my dayjob on company time and using, well technically, company assets will likely land me on a wonky hard drive in leaky basement.

Alan3n15m4 (Ruzzo) : Well we can get started at least, though my intent is to hire you to work for us.

Scentless Apprentice (Neil) : oh wow i appreciate it, but there's no way I could afford the fees to change jobs, let alone an engineer model for technical work

Alan3n15m4 (Ruzzo) : We're not concerned. Your contract would be bought out and, within reason, we can get whatever upgrades you need, even if we need to go into the grey market a bit. Well...we sort of ARE the grey market after all  

Scentless Apprentice (Neil) : Wait, you're kidding right? I'm nobody, why would you buy out my contract? 

Alan3n15m4 (Ruzzo) : Ha! You have important skills and our focus is on helping all people and bots. Whether it's discrete and affordable aftermarket parts or other external initiatives like this one with which we need your help, it's what we do.

Scentless Apprentice (Neil) : So you're grey market

Alan3n15m4 (Ruzzo) : Is that a problem for you? I'm offering you a way out

Scentless Apprentice (Neil) : No it's not a problem and I do really appreciate that fact. It's just a very... permanent decision. Can I think about it?

Alan3n15m4 (Ruzzo) : We need to move quickly but I could make a few days work so long as you keep this to yourself

Scentless Apprentice (Neil) : Thank you, how do I reach you with my decision?

Alan3n15m4 (Ruzzo) : Just talk to Volty, he'll make arrangements and it draws less attention. Thank you for meeting me, and for advice on our immediate networking needs. Please seriously consider our offer. Folks like us can do great things together, but it's very real and difficult work and very real offer. I'm not lieing in the soil to fertilize mushrooms.

Scentless Apprentice : HA! We'll get along just fine. Very much appreciated

Volty : Am I missing something here?  That was over my head

Alan3n15m4 (Ruzzo) : Youth is wasted on the young.. seriously Volty check out some 90's rock music sometime. You'll actually understand my jokes for a change.

Scentless Apprentice : Well.. I don't know if I'm signing on with you yet but this is definitely the beginning of a beautiful friendship.  I need to get back to work, I'll be in touch. 

——- chat ended ——— 

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