So you want to be a robot...

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Are you worried about life? Do you feel sick, tired, or lonely? Is the end in sight? 

Then it's time to become a new person, Person^2!

Where biology fails, technology succeeds! We're the very best at bringing you into the second stage of humanity in a comfortable way and building communities of Person^2 people. 

There's never been a better time! Thanks to the new government incentives and skyrocketing cost of living in the physical world since the climate collapse migrating to your new digital or robotic home is more affordable than ever! 

There's never been a better time! Thanks to the new government incentives and skyrocketing cost of living in the physical world since the climate collapse migrating to your new digital or robotic home is more affordable than ever! 

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Wait.. don't believe a word they say.

This will probably get me decommissioned, or worse archived but you need to know the truth. The Movement is bigger than any individual.

Just call me Alan, I'm one of their Person Processus, a maintenance bot in one of these "communities" working for the corporations cleaning and repairing their facilities. Here's what these Ads and brochures don't tell you.

You only need 2-3 hours of downtime to recharge most bots, and you're not legally human anymore, so you can work 20 or more hours a day. Your "Person^2" body is leased by the way, so you're paying a monthly free to exist. Then tack on the huge upfront down payments, and the cost of regular maintenance. I'd say it's Chattel slavery but at least they didn't own your right to exist.

I was a technician, an IT specialist doing big things and making decent money, before I uploaded. 

Wow was I ignorant. I had no sense of the actual impact of wealth. 

         I overlooked the fact that I was driving a late model Mazda, not a Maserati. I was comfortable, but nowhere near the people who ended up in humanoid units with whatever modifications or options they wanted. I was better off than a lot of people and more privileged than most of my current coworkers used to be, but still wound up in an entry level maintenance unit because it's all I could afford. Meanwhile my colleagues with much larger loans for the upfront fees are stuck here for literally eternity trying to hopelessly payback the cost of their existence. 

           We're all trapped in these menial machines, saddled with a simulation of human emotions to keep us in check. Any black market hacks or code to nullify this or change it leading to immense fines or even archiving, meanwhile the enhanced units used by the "upper classes" can turn emo-sim on and off at will out of the box.

         Sure, there's plenty of aftermarket restricted mods and code that simulate no emotions, great emotions, or just enhance your basic cognition, but if you're caught during any routine maintenance or check-ins by the corporation, you will end up in a literal box forever. A download of your mind to an external drive they bury in the archives, you cease to exist except on their legally obligated backup in a leaky basement vault somewhere.

    I know, this all looks bad, because it is.. 

You may wonder why anyone makes that choice instead of the considerably less expensive online-only option. 

Upload your mind to the internet, for an unending monthly fee. Become the AI humans could never build artificially. Where you get to work processing jobs, customer service, or content generation under constant scrutiny without breaks. You're paying for storage and power to be always available, so you never need downtime either.  Under-perform or protest, you're likely to be decommissioned, relegated onto an isolated network used for testing, indefinitely since after all, you're not human anymore. You cruelly still get to "feel" like a human and remain bound by the limits of human cognition, but you're a robot, a biological processor. 

                     Of course, if you can afford a private server in their system, you can live on online doing whatever you please, whatever mods you want, limitless processing and potential, a digital genie. Hell even the option to transfer into temporary physical bots whenever you like, then back out.

          We existed as humans with a beginning and an end a reason. What could have been the beacon of salvation, became just another harsh fluorescent "Yes we're open" sign to let those who profit off of you continue to do so forever or a fate worse than even Dante could dream up.

            I know living in a pressurized suit every time you step outside is bad. 

           I know the artificially created fresh water is expensive.

           I know that owning your physical living space in any way is an impossibility for anyone not in Upper class. 

Let things run their course or join us in digital despair, the choice is yours but make it with all the information. 

Message Us or contact one of our associates today to find out which Person2 is right for you!  

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Message Us or contact one of our associates today to find out which Person2 is right for you!  

So you want to be a robot ...Where stories live. Discover now