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"Dad I'm leaving" I say in the most polite voice I can muster. He looks at me suspiciously, "Honey I can't help but notice that since I've come back, you've been acting distant." "Well, now you know what I used to feel. Well done sherlock" I mutter but he hears me.

"Okay that's enough!" he shouts, standing up, "What is going on?" he verbalizes every word. Not getting a reply he comes and stands in front of me, "Brooklyn, you don't tell me how you missed me anymore. You don't kiss me goodbye, and you're always at that Luke's house nowadays even when I'm here. What is this?"

I give him a blank stare, "Dad it's been only two days since you've been home." No sooner had I said that than he slaps me hard on my cheek.

I fall back from the impact. I touch my cheek and look with terrified eyes at my father. He has never. NEVER. Slapped me. And when I look at him now, I don't see a hint of regret in his eyes, while mine start filling with tears.

Don't cry Brooklyn.

Don't cry Brooklyn.

Don't cry Brooklyn.

But my tears pay no heed to my brain and start flowing down my cheeks. I can't show him I'm weak. I just can't. I wipe my tears with the back of my hand but my cheek still burns from his slap.

"WHAT THE HELL DAD?!" I yell at him. Bad idea.

"What did you say?" he asks dangerously.

Never have I felt so afraid of him before. He never gave me a reason to, but now, I have every reason to. I move behind so I'm completely touching my back to the door and he moves in the opposite direction, towards me. Ok calm down Brooklyn. Don't get so scared. What's the worst he could do?

"You have crossed your limits young lady. And I know it's all because of that Johnson boy you talk to." He says pointing his finger at me. "Dad! You were the one who talked to the Johnsons in the first place." I remind him. "I wish I didn't. From now onwards, I don't want to see you anywhere around him. Heard me? He's spoiling you."

"He has nothing to do with this. He's not a bad guy. And anyway, I need to go to school with him and back."

Brooklyn can you shut your mouth?

"Well looks like that won't be happening anymore. Call Liam right this instant. Let him take you." He orders. "Liam's at his cousin's wedding in Texas." I tell him hoping that he'll leave the topic. "Then you will walk to school. But no way in hell are you going with that boy." Wow he won't even suggest dropping me off himself. I've got the best dad in the world. Note the heavy sarcasm.

"He has a name you know." I spit at him. BROOKLYN SHUT THE FRICK UP MAN! My brain tells me, but I ignore it. Maybe if he gets tired of me being like this, he may send me to mother.

"I don't give a damn about his name! I see you one more time around him and you'll regret it." He warns me and I stay silent this time.

I notice that all this time I've had tears spilling down my eyes and my father didn't even care. I hold back a sob and open the door, running down the stairs.

Dad has never been so bad. Of course, I don't like him now, but still, the way he acted towards me today, so cold and bitter is a side of him I never saw and would never want to see. Even though I hate him, I can't help but feel wounded.

"Hey Skittles you're earl-" I ignore the familiar voice and continue sprinting down the stairs with my arm over my face, stopping the tears from rolling down.

Skittles Own(s) My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now