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In the morning I am woken up by a call. I groan and rub my eyes. Who the heck is calling me at...7:30 on a Sunday morning? Let a girl sleep man. 

I check the caller and instantly forget about my drowsiness as I see Luke's name flash on my phone. I pick up the call.

"Hey Skittles. Miss me?" His voice sounds fresh, for an early Sunday morning.

"Hm not much really. You disturbed my beautiful date with a really fluffy cloud. He was the king of all clouds actually. I would've been queen by now." I grumble, pushing away some hair that entered my mouth. Gross.

There's silence at the other end until I hear laughter, "You're crazy."

"Mhm, should've warned you about it earlier." I say, yawning and lazily scratching my head.

"I like crazy." He softly says, making my heart flutter, "And well Skittles, I may not be a king, but I will sure treat you like my queen." Blood rushes up to my cheeks like crazy at his sentence and a huge grin breaks out on my face, "Someone's started using pickup lines I see." He chuckles, "Never again." 

I shake my head, smiling, "Why did you call Luke? This better be good." "You won't regret it. We're going for breakfast. Get ready, I'll be there in 15 minutes." He replies and before I can ask any further questions, he cuts the call.

Ok, what was that about? Where the heck is he taking me for breakfast? Oh god is it a date? No Brooklyn it's just breakfast, calm down woman. Goodness gracious. My morning self tends to overthink a lot. Or maybe it's just in my personality.

I waste 5 minutes overthinking about me overthinking and then realize I have only 10 minutes to get ready now. Oh freakin mother of skittles what do I wear?

I quickly brush my teeth, not having time for a bath because someone thought that only 15 minutes would be enough for me to get ready for a date.


I run to my closet to search for something presentable. It's a pretty cold December morning, so something warm will be nice. I finally go in for a white oversized hoodie with black jeans and Vans. Then I put on a neon green beanie to cover my messy, stubborn hair. Yeah, not very fashionable, but sue me, I'm not a morning person. Spraying some perfume on me, I go to leave a sticky note on the fridge informing dad on my whereabouts just as I get a text from Luke.

Luke<3: I'm outside. Don't want to knock, may wake up your dad.

I smile at his text as I open the door. "Hey there" he smiles at me, sending butterflies erupting in my stomach. My heart stops beating for a second when I see him.

He's wearing a grey sweatshirt with white bold lettering on one sleeve and black jeans paired with Nike airs. And his hair, don't even get me started about it. It's messier than usual, yet looks presentable. Only Luke can pull off that look. His eyes have that subtle morning crease under them making his blue orbs and gorgeous face look even more adorable. Goodness I should really win an award for my self-control around him.

"If you're done checking me out, can we go?" he runs a hand through his hair and then points his thumb to the lift, smirking. I roll my eyes at him, trying to get rid of the colour staining my cheeks.  He grins and pulls me in a one-handed hug. 

I really miss being wrapped up in his both of his arms, but I won't tell him that. It will only make him feel worse about his current condition.

He pulls away and holds my hand, walking to the elevator. When I look up at him, I see him rolling his lips inside his mouth, making his dimple appear. I'm so tempted to poke it. He should really stop doing that. How can anyone be that cute?

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