2. illumi.

419 19 3

"What's your name?" she asked. Should I kill her? I really should just kill her. My hands were in my pockets, I could just take a pin and finish her off. Better not. I already ran off against Father's wishes, him finding out that I killed random people making messes everywhere I go isn't going to help me win back his favor.

I walked through the aisle with this girl tailing behind me. I'd seen her on the deck of the boat we were in before the airship.

I could tell she was no tourist. She held herself in a way that was almost intimidating.

I didn't have any checked baggage, and unfortunately for me, she didn't either. She continued to follow me through security. I tried very hard to speed up and lose her but to no avail, I felt her constant presence behind me. Soon we arrived at the bus station, a shuttle bus waited there to take people to their hotels. We boarded. I shuffled all the way to the back of the bus, sitting down I spotted her having chosen a seat near the front. After a short while, the bus started moving. According to the itinerary, my hotel was the last stop, so I'll be on this bus for a while.

I looked out the window. The sky was pitch black, but the lights from the city illuminated the streets. It was a popular tourists' destination. We passed a big blue sign that read "Welcome to Lamont City". My brother sure knew how to pick a place to stay.

A few stops later, the bus had been mostly empty of people. Passengers stepped off the bus when they got to their hotel. The girl was still in her seat.

Please don't tell me that she's staying at the same hotel as I am.


She is.

It was almost 5am and we were the only passengers left. The bus came to its last stop.

"We've arrived at Sunway resort! Everyone, please make your way out, this is the final stop of the shuttle bus." the driver barked. I'm pretty sure he wanted everyone off as soon as possible so that he can go home and end his shift.

We stepped out of the bus in silence. We hadn't talked at all since we left the airship station.

You know when you say goodbye to someone but then you're leaving in the same direction as them? Imagine that but 10 times worse.

I was very ready to check in and leave my unwanted travel buddy behind.

We walked through the spinning entrance of the hotel. There was a big lobby, very grand looking. There were two clerks available, she went to the counter on the left so I opted for the one on the right. I couldn't help but overhear her talking to the clerk.

"Reservation for Misana Gobae." she said. Misana! That's one more name I won't be naming my children.

"Hello sir, how can I help you?" said the clerk in front of me.

"Room for Ebony Selvig, please." lord knows what could happen if I checked in under my real name.

"One second, sir," she clacked annoyingly on her keyboard, then pulled out a room card from a drawer next to her, "room 1304, sir. Elevator is to your right." she gestured to the right with an outstretched hand. I quickly thanked her, took my room key, and made my way to the elevator.

Well shit, guess who it is again.

Misana waiting for the elevator.

Guess I'll take the stairs.

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