8. illumi

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"What the hell !?" Whoever said that had woken me up from my peaceful slumber on Misana's couch. I opened my eyes.

It was Killua, he stood away from me, at the doorway of the bedroom. It seemed that he had also just woken up, judging by his bedhead and wrinkled pyjamas, but I guess seeing me in the livingroom brought him such a scare that all the usual grogginess in his eyes had gone away in a snap.

"What is he doing here." He spat.

"I just thought I'd pay you two a visit, that's all. Am I not allowed to miss my little siblings?" I cooed. Killua looked at me as if I grew a second head.

"You tried to kill Alluka. Get out." He shot daggers at me with his stare. Misana came out of the bedroom, probably stirred awake by the commotion we've caused.

"What's going on?" she asked, the sleep still in her voice.

"Why is he here?" Killua asked, pointing an accusing finger at me.

"Your brother? He showed up after you kids went to bed yesterday and refused to get back to his own room. I'm sorry." She explained. Killua looked like he was ready to pounce on me and commit murder. Misana must've noticed this too, "Hey, hey! Look on the brightside, we're going out today! We'll be leaving him as soon as we step out the door, okay?" she reasoned.

"Going out? To where?" I asked. No way I'm letting the kids be alone with this woman the entire day.

"None of your business." She said, the hostility clear in her tone.

"I'm coming with you." I declared.

"No you are most definitely not." Misana ordered.

"This is not up to negotiation. I am coming. You already know why you aren't in the place to tell me what to do." I said, hinting to how I had the upper hand here. She cursed under her breath.

I amused myself. Pestering this woman gave me great joy. But in all seriousness, I was prepared to track her every move. This ... Misana, was powerful. Her presence isn't one of a normal nen user, I could tell she didn't even give it her all back when I cornered her in the hallway; in other words, she was extremely skilled.

A random highly skilled hunter shows up right at our doorstep, that's not just a mere coincidence now, is it.

There's a good chance she's up to no good. I doubt that she took in the kids purely out of the goodness of her feeble little heart.

Killing her would be impossible at this point. She's alert, she's ready, and that means a very difficult job for me. Besides, the kids would never forgive me. The last thing I need is for them to run off to who-knows-where again.

I was just gonna have to keep a tight eye on her for now. Which includes following her, and the kids, to whatever place she wanted to bring them to today. I let out a silent laugh before asking Misana,

"So, where are we going?"


No matter how much I pressed the woman, she refused to tell me where we were heading to. I only found out when we arrived at our destination after a 10 minute cab ride. It was the aquarium.

We made our way into the building and to the ticket booths.

"Hello, I would like to redeem three online tickets please. One adult, two children." said Misana to the receptionist.

"Right away." the receptionist responded while starting to type into their computer. I did a mental count. Two children .. and one adult ?

"It seems like we're missing a ticket here." I said.

Misana turned and looked at me smugly, arms crossed across her chest, "Whoops. Seems like you might have to wait outside."

I rolled my eyes. She and I both knew that this wasn't going to stop me from coming with them, and that I was going to buy a ticket for myself, but that didn't restrain her from making her petty little remark.

"One ticket please." I said, turning to the receptionist and sliding a bill to them.

"Right away." As they handed me my ticket, I felt Killua's aura spike ever-so-slightly. He must be considerably upset that Sana wasn't able to shake me off of their trip.

"Whoa ... look, Brother! Look!" exclaimed Alluka as soon as we stepped foot inside the crowded aquarium hall. She hopped excitedly while pointing to a tall, impressive-looking cylindrical tank at the center of the hall. Groups of colorful fish swirled around inside. She then grabbed Killua by the sleeve to drag him over to it.

I felt slightly guilty at the sight of Alluka enjoying herself. She was always exceedingly quiet and dead in her room back on the mountain, but with Killua, her liveliness really came out.

"You look a little worn out there, buddy. Are you tired ? Do you need me to call you a cab home ?" Misana's sarcastically sweet voice broke me through my thoughts.

"I will not be leaving early. Stop trying to get rid of me. You can't." I said flatly. She scoffed then opened her mouth to say something, but stopped when she felt someone tugging on the bottom hem of her shirt. It was Alluka, Killua was following close behind.

"Sana-san ... could you take me to the bathroom ?" she asked timidly.

"Of course, honey. Come with me." Misana gladly complied, taking Alluka's hand in hers and leading her to the bathrooms.

It was just Killua standing next to me now.

I cleared my throat, "Be careful." I said, staring straight ahead and not looking at the kid. He knew what I was talking about: staying vigilant about the stranger that he was staying with.

"No need." I heard him answer. His naivety disappointed me.

"Do you really think that this random woman is here to welcome you with open arms? Do you really think that she isn't going to harm you?"


I turned to look at him, "How can you be so sure? You've only known her for twenty four hours, you've known me your entire life."

He looked up at me, eyes devoid of any emotion, "And she has shown me more kindness in those twenty four hours than you have since I was born."

I groaned, "I'm not asking you to favor me. I don't care if you hate me. I just don't want you to get hurt. That girl is not to be trusted. She's a hunter."

"I know."

"How did you-"

"She told me." Killua deadpanned. I stared blankly at him. He shook his head before speaking, "I know you think that she's a liar, that she's dangerous, that she's not here to help us and that she'll hurt us."

"Correct. Which is why you should leave her and come stay with me-"

"But you know what?" he cut me off harshly, "You know who actually lied? Who actually was a danger to me for years? You know who's the one who has actually hurt me?" He paused,



"You already are the 'big bad wolf' that you're trying to make Sana out to be. So don't you think for a second that you can convince me to go back to being goody-goody with you." his pointer finger jabbed into my chest as he took a step closer to me,

"You're nothing to me, and I'm not afraid of you anymore." He seethed. His voice did not waver.

I was speechless.

He turned around and left.

I sighed softly.

I never even noticed how tall he had gotten. Good to see little Killu growing up so fast ...


feb 17th 2021 : 

hey yall author here :P

 i am gonna update it's just taking . a long time . but im getting there ,,, i promise </33

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2021 ⏰

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