3. sanaku.

362 16 0

The elevator stopped at the 15th floor, I found my way to suite 1512, where I would be staying for the entirety of the mission.

I swiped my keycard and pushed the door open. It was a fancy hotel room, you could describe it as being apartment-sized. The entrance led to a living room area where a round dining table, four chairs, and a big L-shaped sofa stood. Across from the sofa was a flatscreen TV. The living room then directly connected to the bedroom, there was a king-sized bed and a bedside table, the back wall of the room was just a large floor to ceiling window. In front of the window was another couch that was big enough for a person to sleep on. Connected to the bedroom was the bathroom. The whole hotel room (which was really too big to be called a room) had a modern but homey theme to it, adorned with white walls, bright warm lights, and framed stock photos hung around the place.

I set my things down and pulled out my laptop from my bag. I sat down on the living room couch and opened my laptop.

1 new email from H. Kisei.

I clicked on "open".

Subject: Mission Twin Birds

H. Kisei <hanka@kisei.mail.net>

to Treasure <me>

Sent: September 28th, 4:32AM

Dear Sanaku,

I hope you arrived at the hotel without any complications.

I stopped reading. Does Mr. Long Hair count as a complication? Oh right, his name is Ebony. I had overheard him and the clerk back in the lobby. I continued reading the email.

I have attached the outline of the mission below. I know you already read it many times before you left, but I sent it again just in case. I am expecting your first progress report within the next 2 weeks.

Kind regards,


<1 attachment>

I downloaded the mission outline. I decided to open the PDF file and review it. Better safe than sorry.

Mission Twin Birds: Project Outline

Main objective: elimination of Major Rook (Alluka).

Secondary objective: elimination of Pawn (Killua).

Tertiary objective: gather information on the rest of the Pieces

Timeframe: none specified/as long as necessary.

Goodness. No matter how many mission outlines I've read, they never cease to confuse the living shit out of me. 

Phase 1 - Foundation Work [completed]

- Hiring team of Rookies to be eliminated during Phase 2

- Partial briefing of Rookies

- Full briefing of Treasure

I simplified the phases in my head. Phase 1 was the preparation. Hanka had hired a team of rookie assassins to be eliminated by me during the second phase.

Phase 2 - Approach and Build-Up [current]

- Dispatch Treasure and Rookies to target destination

- Launch and elimination of Rookies

- Play role of protector to targets until it is safe to go into Phase 3

Phase 2 was my task for tomorrow. Basically, the team of rookies Hanka had hired were to go after Killua and Alluka at their hotel. I'm supposed to intercept the rookies and kill them, playing the hero in order to gain the trust of the kids. Then I just needed to play nice until it's safe to ask them questions.

Phase 3 - Convincer

- Questioning of targets

- Completion of Tertiary Objective

Then I move on to phase 3, which is basically just asking them questions and getting info out of them.

Phase 4 - In-and-In

- Gather targets at rendezvous point

- Elimination of Major Rook

- Elimination of Pawn

- Completion of Main and Secondary objectives.

And the final 4th phase where I lure them to the Kisei warehouse located on the outskirts of this city and kill them.

Sounded pretty easy.

I closed my laptop and stuffed it back into my bag, then I headed to the bathroom to wash up.

It was almost 6am. Time to call it a night.

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