Chapter Seven: Crimson and Powder Concerns

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// LMAO the title makes it sound like some kind of drug addiction. I am not going to change it either, so suffer. :"D Anyways, I am going to hop over to one of my other stories after this chapter, so I can update for those people too. Have fun, and stay safe, my internet family. //

"Please don't take my sunshine away..."

A small, broken voice was heard from the inside of the medical room. Drained and tired, lost and present all at once.

The little woman felt her lips purse in a matter of sadness and empathy. Something had happened to her, she knew that much, though she did not know the story behind it. She had only seen the prankster a couple times, at best. She was always to smiley, and relaxed. It was almost as if this were not the same person she had seen before.

Making sure her hair was re-situated and out of her face, Recovery Girl walks into the room, and making a quiet knock on the door. She would have walked in anyways, but she felt it was better to be polite about the situation.

As she treads into the room, she thinks about the conversation that she had with All Might, Aizawa (When he had woken up) and Principal Nezou. After all, something very confusing, and worrisome had happened when Sandra had come into the hospital.

The girl was still losing blood, though it was at a slower pace due to the red and white haired boys quick thinking. All of the students wanted to stay around, and see if their teacher, the heroes and Sans were going to be alright.

Aizawa had been among the easier patients to deal with. Though he still had considerable amount of damage done to him nonetheless.

Thirteen was still in critical condition, and she was waiting for their results to come back from testing. Other doctors would surely be able to get the hero the medical attention they needed. Stuff she was unable to provide.

This girl though... she... died. Or at least, Recovery Lady thought she had. Did she die? Is that what that... yellow and black ... menu? Was it a menu? What did it mean?

At first, it seemed as though it was just an aftershock of a quirk, of some kind. The girls face started to crack, and peel. However, the cracking and peeling soon turned into ashes, or powder. Whatever it was...

The girl was there one second, and it seemed as though she was unconsciously trying to hold on to what little bit of life she might have had left... but she just turned into a pile of powder. She was nothing more than her clothes, the bandage, the red piece of fabric, and whatever solid objects she had kept on herself around the time.

At first, Recovery Girl remembered sitting there in shock, and disbelief. However, it was quickly swallowed down into her subconscious the second a glowing black and yellow menu-like entity appeared over the powder that now lie in the students spot.


[ Continue Reset ]

Before she could even do anything, something dropped on the menu in front of her, clicking the 'Continue' option. She was not sure what it was, but whatever caused it, she thanked the lords, because the option brought the girl back from her powdered state.

Her body reformed slowly, and pieced itself back together. She lay silent for the longest time, putting Recovery Girl on edge. However, after at least 10 minutes.. she started to breathe again.

Recovery Girl had lost many people before. She was a doctor after all. Mistakes happen, tragedy strikes, and lives are easily lost. Life was a precious, easily wasted thing.

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