Ch.16- Express yourself

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Sometimes I contemplate having a insta gc with y'all, some of y'all are funny asf 💀 Y'all could help me when I have writers block and shit...

But now that I think about it.....y'all are forbidden from finding out my age...yeah i'm good, no gc for y'all.

I lowkey realized this book is like all the Ocean's 11 movies and some elements of Pose. If you haven't watched it 😡

Anywho before we start....what y'all think is gonna go down in this chapter ?

Ryan's POV


I couldn't even feel my heart beating anymore, it was going too fast. My hands were shaking, my voice was hoarse from how much I was screaming.

Nicki laid on the floor, she was shot as soon as Kirk was tackled. Her breathing was shaky as the blood slowly started to spread on her shirt.

"Put pressure on it-"

"Shut the fuck up. Everyone get on your knees now." Trippie soon came walking out with Coi by his side and his arm gripping Damion tightly.

"Let him go." I sneered, Damion looked so scared.

"Why ? A little birdie told me you don't like him anyway. You're own blood ? That's cold, Queenie."

"Don't call me that."

Trippie shoved him towards us and he instantly slid next to me. I rubbed his back trying to get him to calm down.

Where the fuck is Billie ?

"Why are you doing this ? I thought we were partners." I watched him walk over slowly to Nicki, stopping right in front of her stomach and looking dead at me.

"We were never partners, I do what I have to do to establish trust and from there I burn my way from the ground up." His foot rose and pressed down on her wound, hearing her cracked screams in agony was killing me.

I wanted to do something but with the way my situation was looking, I couldn't pull my gun out without risking anyone else.

But then I remembered.

"Damion, reach into my pocket closest to you and pull out my gun." I whispered to him, feeling slightly accomplished when he carried out the task quietly.

There were only four guards, If I planned this right then we could take them all down.

Everyone was looking at me, waiting for my next move. Normani stared at me with tears in her eyes, I knew she was depending on me just like the rest of them.

"You guys....will make great recruits for my crew. Lucky 8 or whatever y'all call each other is coming to an end now, it's time you fell off once and for all." Trippie gave his mastermind speech while Coi ogled at him.

"When I say go, start shooting. Preferably aim mostly for legs." I whispered to Damion.

I looked out the windows noticing slight movement and then I noticed Wayne, I looked at the window parallel to it and saw someone from his crew.

He held his hand up, showing me three fingers as a signal.

As one finger went down I looked around the planning out how this was going to work.

I looked back and he was on his last finger, I watched as it went down in almost slow motion and grasped my gun.

"Go" I yelled, pulling it out and shooting the guards in their legs and Coi in her thigh.

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