Chapter 2

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"Hey Anabelle, can I copy your homework?" Arthur Jones asked. Arthur was the school's troublemaker. He had a twin named Ashton and was the older brother of Jessica. (By that, I mean a few days older.) I looked to my side to see him staring at me intently, looking down at my homework which was in my hands. "Didn't you do it?" I ask stupidly. Knowing Arthur and Ashton, they never did their school work. I huff, and reluctantly hand over my homework sheets. Quickly, Arthur started scribbling down what he hadn't done, but was swiftly stopped in less than a second. Jessica had appeared at the classroom door and had snatched my homework away from her brothers' grasp. "Oi!" Arthur exclaimed, standing up to try and snatch it back. Fortunately for the twin brothers, they had the tall genes as well so they were practically the same height as their younger sister. Desperately, I tapped my best friend's shoulder and motioned for her to hand me back my homework. Patting my head cutely, she gently passed me back my work before seating me down at my desk and dragging her brother out of the room, clearly annoyed at him again. Letting out a deep sigh of relief, I tried my best to straighten out the work sheets which had gotten slightly crumpled in the argument. Great. 

On the switch to my second class, both Jessica and Matilda caught up with me and linked and arm through mine. Smiling happily, we all walked together to our next lesson. 

*time skip* 

After the bell had run for last period, I rushed out of the classroom as quick as I could, trying to keep away from unwanted attention. I had gotten quite known across the entire school as well, very little about my amazing grades. Everyone wanted to know how I had become best friends with two of the most popular Athletes on campus. Most of the time, I was used so that others could try and get closer to both Jessica and Matilda. I only had those two, and if they suddenly decided to ditch me, then I'd be all alone. 

"OH ANABELLE!! WANT TO COME BACK TO MINEEEEEEEEEEE?" Matilda called, singing her words terribly. I laughed, and agreed to go round with my two best friends. Walking out of school, Jessica was suddenly surrounded with eager students. I went to go and turn towards Matilda to question it, but she was also crowded around by students. Rolling my eyes, I pushed passed a bunch of kids and jumped up, holding onto Jessica's shoulders. Surprised, she turned her head to the side so that she could see me and then she held onto my legs, pushing passed the other students. Matilda saw us in an instant and immediately ran after us, escaping the group of eager students. 

Out in the car park, I grabbed my bike and Matilda put on her roller skate from my bag. Jessica quickly hopped onto the back of my bicycle and we peddled off, Matilda skating after us. She was huffing and puffing by the time we got back to her house, but it was worth escaping those crazy kids. 

Inside, I sat down on the usual pink beanbag, while Jessica plopped herself down on the blue beanbag opposite me. When Matilda walked into the room from getting us all cups of water, Jessica held out her hand. "I bet my hand is bigger." She said, looking smug. Matilda grinned slyly, instantly putting down the glasses of water. "Nah, your hands look like tiny little pancakes. My hands are way bigger than yours." I watched sighing, knowing that the two were starting to get competitive with one another again. After watching Jessica's face fall after comparing hands and finding out that her hands were indeed smaller, I made them both chill out and we turned on the TV, looking for something interesting to watch. "I bet I'm the best at choosing what we watch." Matilda muttered, sipping her ice cold water subtly. Jessica grinned, sitting up from the beanbag eagerly. "Yeah? Wanna bet?" Matilda grinned and I slapped my face with my hand again. 

Dear lord, someone please get these two girls some therapy. 

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