Chapter 7

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After Jessica, Matilda and I made up, we all agreed that it was stupid to argue over such silly little things. 

Bessy was introduced and for a while, everything seemed okay between the four of us. From then on out, we didn't argue at all. 

Well, that's a lie. 

About a month or two later, we were all round at Jessica's house where we were comparing heights. Of course, both Bessy and I were shorter than my two best friends, but it was interesting to see how tall we all actually were. When it got to comparing Matilda's and Jessica's heights, the two girls started arguing about how one was taller than the other, even though they were probably both the exact same height. I was correct. Matilda and Jessica were both 5'9. They were still growing though so they would be a lot taller when they stop.

 I didn't think that I was going to get any taller than I already was. Bessy felt the same way about herself too. 

I have to say though, it is hard work having to keep up with two insanely tall best friends but it's all worth it when everything goes the way that you like. None of us are left out, and we even have a new recruit to our friendship circle of three. Bessy was welcomed with warm hearts and a bundle of laughter. It was nice to have someone else to confide in when your two best friends went off to after school sports practises. 



A lot has changed since I was at school. Bessy and I travelled to Japan for our higher education, while Matilda and Jessica stayed in America to carry on with their sports. It was hard saying goodbye to them, but we all promised to stay in contact with one another. 

About two years later, we moved back over to America and were finally reunited with our two other best friends. I really did miss them a lot. 

The good news is, is that were all now living together in a four bedroom apartment. The place is pretty cosy and it has a lot of space which is lovely. Downstairs is a gym and an art studio which is perfect for all of us. Like I thought back when I was 15, both Matilda and Jessica didn't stop growing and now they're towering high above us with heights of 6'0 and 6'1. Bessy and I actually were quite surprised when we grew to 5'8 and honestly, it's a lot better being the short ones. The girls keep hitting their heads on door frames and Bessy and I still find it hilarious even to this present day. 

Having my two best friends with me throughout my entire life, has made me realise that you really can stay friends with your childhood besties! 

I can guarantee that we will have a lot more fun now that we're older, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with these three girls. 


[Author's Note] 

Hey everyone! I hope you all enjoyed this book and I really enjoyed writing it, even though I haven't been active much recently. I hope everyone is doing really well and staying safe during this pandemic, my best wishes to everyone out there. 

This book started when @LadyKK20200 wrote to me and asked if I did requests. Of course I was overwhlemed with being asked to write something since I've only ever written small little stories for my entertainment, and to help with my anxiety. In the future, I hope to write many more stories and have them published because I really do enjoy writing. 

I hope you have all enjoyed reading this book and I hope that you go and check out my other stories that I've written. (They're not all finished alright, don't judge me). This is my first ever completed book and I'm honestly really proud of myself because I can never finish a book lol. 

Anyway, I'm going to stop writing now. 

Bye bye! 

From SornWife xxx

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