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(The scene opens with a girl sweeping her room when she hears a knock on her door)

Ruth: Who's there?

Chika: (in pidgin) Babe na me ooo (Babe it is I)

Ruth: (opens the door) Chi what brings you to my home early this morning

Chika: (sighs) My mind is blown

Ruth: What's the matter?

Chika: It's Mimi

Ruth: What happened to her?

Chika: She is Pregnant

Ruth: That's a lie. Not possible

Chika: (laughs uncontrollably) don't mind me. It is a joke

Ruth: (laughs) you almost had me

Chika: Don't be vexed

Ruth: So this is what you left your house to do this morning

Chika: Forget that thing. My mama is cooking so I decided to stroll over here because I don't feel like doing anything today

Ruth: You're such a lazy girl

Chika: (in pidgin) I no lazy (I'm not lazy)

Ruth: We will soon be finishing secondary school. You know we'll have to write our WAEC, JAMB and NECO

Chika: And so?

Ruth: We have to read oo

Chika: Who and you will read, that is a joke

Ruth: I'm actually serious

Chika: Ok, time for me to go home

Ruth: Take care then

Mrs. Shola: (yells) Ruth

Ruth: Yes mom

Mrs. Shola: You know today is your sister's Birthday right?

Ruth: Oh my goodness. I forgot (sighs) I'm coming

Mrs. Shola: Never mind, she is still asleep so we still have time to prepare something nice

Ruth: I'll love to

Mrs. Shola: so let's get to work

(The meal is quickly prepared and a small birthday party was organized for Roxie)

Roxie: mom thanks for everything, my birthday party was very nice

Mrs. Shola: it's okay my dear as a mother I should make my children happy always, you should thank your sister she assisted in making the party a huge success

Roxie: sis thanks a lot

Ruth: you're welcome

Jeffery (yawns) mom its past ten o'clock already I'm going to bed

Mrs. Shola: okay dear goodnight

Roxie: goodnight bro

Jeffery: yah sweet dreams

                                                                               *curtain falls*


(It's a Sunday morning and they all attend a church service and are back home, Ruth gets her school uniform in preparation for resumption day)

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