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Act 2 Scene 1

(It's the weekend and Joel is hanging out with Christopher his friend)

Joel: There's a guy in school trying to get a girl I want, I really need that girl bro

Christopher: It's not rocket science bro; just delete the competition (laughs)

Joel: Don't get what you mean, he's not on my phone or something, he's human

Christopher: Just join me and you would see what I mean

Joel: Join you for?

Christopher: If you are interested, meet me later.

Joel: ok bro, I'm hungry right now though

Christopher: I am going to get some food from the girl down the street, you can join me

Joel: ok let's go

(Back at Ruth's residence, the family is doing some cleaning)

Ruth: Did you hear what Joel said at the tuck shop?

Roxie: Yes I did

Ruth: I'm worried

Roxie: Why? (Laughs) At least you have boys fighting over you

Ruth: Shut up, I don't want that

Roxie: Funny hearing you talk like this, would be happy if I were you

Ruth: seems you want mom to kill you

Roxie: why would she, you don't know about my plans yet

Ruth: whatever; let's hurry up and join Jeff in the sitting room

(They both hurried up and joined their brother in the sitting room to prepare to receive a family friend)

Ruth: hey bro

Jeffery: at last you two are here

Jeffery: Rox, get the flowers and hang them, Ruth clean the chairs and centre table, I'll do the main decoration and clean the TV set

Roxie: let's get to work and have our bath before mom returns

(In less than an hour, they're all seated listening for their mom's car horn, the sitting room is well arranged and food is prepared)

Roxie: mom's back

Jeffery: you two pretend like you're not aware she's back. I'll go check (runs outside) welcome mom

Mrs. Shola: yes dear

Jeffery: where are the visitors?

Mrs. Shola: they are sited at the back seat, open the door for them

Jeffery: (opens the back door) good morning ma'am. It's a pleasure to meet you

Mrs. Katherine: the pleasure is all mine (turns to her daughter) Angela won't you get out of the car

Angela: I'm not. Is this what you call a visit? Everywhere is so horrible. No play ground, no toys, no dolls.

Mrs. Katherine: behave yourself Angela. Let's get in

(They all get into the sitting room, Ruth and Roxie comes out to meet them)

Roxie: good morning ma, you're welcome to our home

Ruth: you can have your seat, feel at home

Mrs. Katherine: I'm Katherine, Introduce yourselves please

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