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Act 5 Scene 1

(Ruth and Roxie are at home doing some laundry and having a conversation)

Ruth: I don't know how to let Joel know how I feel, I'm so confused. I want to sing it out loud; maybe you can write me a song.

Roxie: Ok. (Laughs) How about you just say, Joel I love you

Ruth: Just write me something sis

Roxie: (laughs) this should be interesting, you would soon start talking about marrying this guy

Ruth: I should probably consider that (laughs) marry him and get some pets too

Jeffrey: You girls should hurry up; we have to get to the shop to sell stuff. By the way, mum just told me that I have gained admission into the university and would have to leave on Tuesday.

Roxie: Why is mum always keeping stuff from us (sobs), she just told me about my twin last year and everyone knew but me

Ruth: We are really sorry about that sis, never meant to cause you any pain or break your heart

Jeffrey: I'm really sorry Rox

Roxie: I wish my twin was still alive though, we would have made quite the team

Jeffrey: Wish we could bring her back

Roxie: Let's just get to the shop already

                                                                            *Lights out*

Act 5 scene 2

(The school session begins, Jeffrey is off to Lagos and Roxie, Ruth and Chika are back at school)

Chika: Better tell Joel how you feel already

Ruth: it is not that easy, just give me some time to think

Roxie: Make it fast sis or he is going to slip out of your hands

Ruth: I just might tell him today, I'm off to class

Ruth: (walks into class) Hey Joel

Joel: Wow! Hello Ruth

Ruth: How have you been?

Joel: I'm fine. New session, new vibes.

Ruth: Talking about new vibes, can we talk at the back?

Joel: Alright

Ruth: umm. I really need to get this off my chest

Joel: Go ahead, I'm all ears

Ruth: (stutters) I really love you, I have just been pretending that I don't, I didn't know how best to tell you this, I just really hope you accept me

Joel: (pauses then smiles) I love you too, oh my! Only if you know how I feel right now, but I think it is best we start off as friends

Ruth: I'm cool with that. Friends then

Joel: (hugs her) Thank you very much, you have made my day. I was thinking, how about we meet up this weekend?

Ruth: Mum won't let me

Joel: You could just tell her you are going to study with a friend

Ruth: Good Idea, I will show up

Joel: Ok, let's go have lunch together before you go home

Ruth: Alright

(She arrives home hours later after lunch with Joel)

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