Only the Beginning

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A redheaded male walked with his black roots showing. He was walking to a drug store to buy cheap bleach and hairdye. He needed it badly.
'Hurry up, Kirishima. Father is going to kill me if I'm not home soon.' He thought to himself. His father already hated the idea that his son was dying his hair. He thought it was too feminine for a male.
Kirishima walked into the sliding doors of the drug store cautiously because of the recent news articles. 'Man killed by convenience store', 'New criminal on the loose', 'Woman and her son murdered by local grocery store'.
The thought of these crimes made the boy's skin crawl. 'Get in and get out.' The boy thought again. And so he did. He grabbed the two items and payed. Then he left. Down the alley way he went. 'Fastest way home.'
A man with black hair approached Kirishima slowly. The redhead froze. He didn't know what to do, all he could do was freeze. The man with black hair laughed, "I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm just on watch, word from the boss." He looked Kirishima up and down. "You look strong, bruises everywhere though. You know, you could come and work for the boss. We could use some extra muscle. Boss said so himself. So what about it? Care to come with?"
The man held out his hand. "I-... I don't know. What could I have to lose?" He started to think on it, "What kind of work do you do anyway?" 'Who is this guy? He didn't even tell me his name.'
"Oh! You're probably waiting on a name or something. I can't tell you my real name yet in case you're like an undercover cop or something. But, they call me Tape."

My Dragon~ (Kiribaku Gang AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя