Flashing Lights

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I clutched onto Bills midsection as we raced down the street on his trusty bike, Silver. I wasn't comfortable on this rickety old thing, but this was no time to back down. Especially if I wanted to stay with Bill and keep him safe. I was terrified  that he'd run off and do something stupid and get hurt. I don't know what I'd do if I had to leave this shithole town without him a second time. 

We came to a jarring stop and we both jumped off the bike seconds before Bill threw it to the ground. I pulled the bike off the road so that it wouldn't cause any car accidents. It isn't 1989 anymore, Bill.

I looked around, and Bill was already gone. Great, now I have to fight my way through the crowds of people to find him. I took a deep breath and headed straight into the throngs of people just having a good time. They didn't have any idea what kind of horrors this town was hiding behind the quaint, small town façade. I pitied them, yet wanted so desperately wanted to be them at the same time. 

"Bill!" I cup my hands around my mouth and called for him. 

There was no way that he could hear me over the rushing sounds of hastily put together rides and the shrieking children having the time of their lives. I prayed to whoever would listen that these kids would be safe until we could put an end to Pennywise's rain of terror. I couldn't bear the thought that these kids could possibly go through what we did.

No kid deserves to deal with such things.

All around me, kids ran unsupervised and parent's stood stagnantly in the middle of the walkways. Flashing lights from the rides that encircled me and the cloyingly sweet smell of overpriced carnival food made me dizzy. I realized that it was close to sunset and I hadn't eaten since dinner last night. 

My stomach cramped and I could practically feel the bile rising in my throat. I looked for a nearby trashcan and found one much quicker than I'd ever be able to find Bill in this setting. I rushed over to it, and threw up what was left of the alcohol and sushi I ingested almost twenty four hours ago. 

My throat burned and sparse tears trickled down my face as I gagged. Every breath I took was punctuated with more heaving and tears. My head was swimming and the ground seemed to tilt and sway underneath my feet. My hands gripped the side of the trashcan so tightly that my knuckles paled. Even though at this point, my stomach was void of any contents, my body continued to heave and constrict in an almost painful way.

"Miss can you help me?" Someone asked.

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and glanced over my shoulder. There stood an upset looking girl with a cheap prize tucked under her arm. Her cheeks were splotchy and soaked with her tears. 

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and turned to face her all the way. I wasn't particularly in the mood to go tromping around the carnival, but I also wasn't going to turn away a crying child who was asking me for help. 

"Sure, honey. What's wrong?" I asked, supporting myself still on the trashcan. I don't know what would bring her to the woman puking into the trash for help instead of literally anyone else, but I wasn't about to question her methods. 

"I went in the fun house and when I came out, my mommy was gone." She said, sniffling and starting to cry again.

"Okay, sweetie, I'll help you find your mommy," I assured her as a knelt down so that were about the same height, "There's nothing to worry about, alright? What does she look like?"

"She has red hair." She shrugged, rubbing her eyes on her yellow sweater.

"Don't cry, you're going to be okay. Do you remember what she was wearing or at least what color her clothes were," I asked,

Lover: Bill Denbrough x Reader (Sequel to Losers: Bill Denbrough x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now