Sunset Confessions

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Watching the sunset from the end of the pier, two girls sat next to each other facing the calming sea with their legs dangling over the edge. The only sounds were the overlapping waves and the distant sounds of the evening traffic. The brunette turned her head to face her redheaded friend and began taking in all the details of her features, from her forest green eyes and her button nose to her freckled cheeks and her soft chapped lips. The brunettes electric blue eyes finally settled on her eyes in which the blue eyed girl could get lost for days.The peaceful silence was interrupted by the redhead as she decided to speak up.

"Are you going to stare at me all day or are you gonna say something?"

The brunette dropped her head, nervously chuckled then responded shyly, "Sorry, you're just.."the brunette whispers the words almost as silent as the wind, "beautiful."

Alight blush dusted along the redheads freckled face. She giggled quietly, breathing, "Thanks Jay."

They slipped into a comfortable silence for a few moments before it was broken again by the blue eyed girl, Jay, "Hey Evie?" the green eyed girl, Evie, hummed in conformation that she was listening, "Can i ask you something?"

The red head slowly nodded, "Of course."

"Have you ever fallen in love?"

Evie's face lit up slightly as she spoke, "Once, it was like overtime i was away from them i could never be happy again. And then i was them again and they were like the light in my life. honestly falling in love is one of the best experiences in life..."

Jay, noticing her face fall slightly and tears prickly her eyes, prompted her to carry on, "But?"

"Getting your heart broken is like your whole world comes crashing down and you don't know what to do next. Sometime sit can make you scared to love again," the redhead was trying not to cry and Jay could see the pain on her face.

Jay turned her body so she sitting with her legs crossed facing her friend, Evie mirrored her friend so that their faces were inches apart. A heavy blush form on both of their faces as the quickly averted their eyes. Jay shuffled back slightly, cleaning her throat she spoke quietly, avoiding eye contact, " There's this person," Evie's face lit up a bit, "they helped me out of a bad place. They mean the world to me and i don't think i could live without them. I think i've fallen in love with them. I don't know how to tell them and I'm scared they'll reject me and we'll never talk again. I just don't know what to do."

After realising it probably wasn't her Jay was talking about, Evie's face fell a bit but she quickly covered it up and plastered on a fake smile before looking up at her blue eyed friend and responding, "I'm sure they won't stop talking to you. If they are like you described, i'm sure they feel the same."

After sighing deeply, the brunette listened to the sounds around them to calm her nerves. Jay decode to tell her long time best friend and crush her feelings towards her. She glanced at the sea to calm her slightly more.



The blue eyed girl started muttering incoherent sentences. The redheaded friend only made out a few phrases like "you're a strong indecent woman just say it" and "be the gay queen you are and tell her". The brunette getting lost in her own thoughts of all the worst possible outcomes of this.

"Jayden? You ok?"

Jay's head snapped up, smiling sheepishly the muttered out a small apology before stuttering next sentence quietly but quickly, ", really like you."

"Pardon? You what?" Not understanding what her blue eyed friend had said, the green eyed girl questioned her.

Jay exhaled  and spoke clearer and slower, "I really, really like you... no love you."

"A horrible decision, really" was the muttered response the brunette received.

The blue eyed girl stayed quiet as she took in her friends words. When they sunk in she broke the silence in fear of rejection.

"What?" She breathed so quietly it could barely be heard.

"I'm a mess. Why would you love me? I'm falling for my best friend an there is nothing i can do stop it but i cant tell her because i'll be rejected and i don't want to lose her. I can't talk my mum about it, she's always working and i can't talk to my dad because he's gone. I don't know what to do, I'm scared she'll hate me and so will everyone else My last relationship was horrible and i don't want a-" But she was cut off from her rambling as the brunette kissed her.

At first Evie was shocked but quickly respond as she realised what happened. The green eyed girls hands quickly went to the blue eyed girls waist and neck. Soon pulling away for air. A comfortable, calming silence filled the space once more. Resting their foreheads together, they both kept their eyes closed and were breathing heavily. The silence gave them an opportunity to calm their nerves and collect their thoughts.

The silence was broken by a small "I love you too" from the redhead.

Jay's eyes snapped open at up to her friend before she sighed in relief and spoke once, "So.... would you.. like to ... i dunno... be my girlfriend?"

The green eyed, redheaded girl just laughed and pulled the brunette, blue eyed girl in for another kiss.

"I'll take that as a yes."


Hey guys first One-Shot up hope you guys like it i took forever, a lot of tantrums and some decent music.

See you people soon

I xx

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