Going In Alone

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The bright city lights shone across the rooftops,  a sparkling figure flew across the rooftops. Many people in the streets below were pointing at the sky, telling their friends who they saw. The red and gold armoured man was carefully scanned the streets below for trouble. A loud grunting came from a small warehouse of the east coast of New York City. His dark brown eyes were calculating the danger of the situation below, taking in how bad this situation could be.

"Hey J.A.R.V.I.S?" A slightly robotic voice came from the man of steel, his question ringing in the ears of a teenage boy in red and blue.

"Yes, Sir?" The A.I. answered.

"Call Peter."

"Yes sir."

A metallic ringing sound filled his ears until the call was answered.

"Hey Kid?" The older man's voice ringing in the ears of a teenage boy in red and blue.

"Mr Stark hey," The red and blue superhero acknowledged, in a slightly timid voice.

"Peter, what are you doing right this second?" Tony Stark inquired worried for the young superhero.

"Well, you see," Peter Parker responded rather quickly, thus leading to rambling, "I got in the middle of some thieves mugging a lady and they sorta chased me all the way to a little warehouse downtown and I cant get away. I don't need your help though, I'm fine."

"Okay Underoos listen. One: Breath," Iron Man heard Spider-Man take a deep breath in, "Two: Have you tried knocking them out?"

"What do you think I've been trying to do?" A slightly frantic voice exclaimed loudly into the man's ear.

"Okay. Ow that was loud-"

"Sorry, Mr.Stark-"

"Anyways, Give me your location and I'll be right there to help."

"I don't need your help. I am perfectly capable of solving this problem on my own."

"Really 'cause it doesn't sound like it from my end of the call."


"Nope, I'm coming in."

"See you in a minute kid." And with that the a beep echoed through the steel helmet.

The calculating eyes of the genius studies as to where in the building the younger superhero is. Crashing through the iron roofing, Iron man's repulsers are faced towards the oncoming thieves, who turn to se the newcomer. Shooting the thugs backwards into a solid concrete wall creating dents, the spider's mentor landed next to his student.

"Iron Man! Hi!" Peter exclaimed, " I know you put a tracker in my suit."

"Yep, and couldn't be happier I did."

The thieves slowly rose from the rubble, looking more angry than ever. Some brandishing long swords and some knives. After hearing the sounds of something unsheathing, the mentor/student duo sighed in unison and turned to face the attackers.

"C'mon kid, you and me against a bunch of mediaeval idiots" the red and gold superhero claimed.

"Yeah," The spider agreed loudly, then lowering his voice to a whisper, "sorry that was loud."

Suddenly a bright beam of light shot at the muggers, hitting them into the wall, knocking them out. Flipping up onto a support beam, the red and blue hero webbed them to the wall and notified the authorities as to where the robbers were.

"Underoos!" The red and gold hero called, "C'mon kid we don't have all day."


~~~~~When they get back to Avengers tower~~~~~

"What have I said about going in alone?"

"Wait for you?"

"Exactly, now what did you go and do?"

"Went in alone..."

"Mhm. Please don't do it again, you scared me-"

"Mr. Stark I'm sorry-"

"Nice work kid."

Peter's face lit up at the compliment from his childhood hero, thinking he was gonna get yelled at, "You think I did good?"

"Yeah of course. You did great kid"

At this, the young teenager started jumping around and cheering, causing his mentor to chuckle at his antics, ending the night with a laugh.


So I was thinking of writing an actual fan fiction, but I want you guys to pick what its about so comment what you want and I'll try to write a decent fan fiction

I xx

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