Late Night Date

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A young blonde boy with strikingly blue eyes the colour of the ocean. Every so often his blue eyes would dart from the midnight view  of the city to the door of his apartment. The city lights danced across his eyes. The stars were illuminating the small apartment space. The comfortable silence was broken by the ringing of a phone. The blonde boy raced across the room from the beanbag he was sat on to the counter where his phone was, sighing in relief at the caller ID.

"It's midnight. Where the hell are you?" his heavily accented voice was laced with worry and concern.

"Yeah?" a female voice sarcastically responded, "Well, it's gonna take longer than I thought. I'll be home around one."

"Zoe, you can't keep doing this. I'm really worried when you're gone," The blonde boy's eyes shined with tears as he spoke, "I can't lose you."

"Dan, I'll be fine," the female voice, Zoe, responded, "I promise."

The blue eyed boy, Dan,  could here gunshots ringing through the phone's speakers, his worry heightening. Sighing heavily whilst pinching the bridge of his nose, "Zoe, just come home safe, please."

"Promise, I'm always safe. I love you-" The line suddenly cut off.

Exhaling lowly, the blonde boy whispered, "I love you too"

Perching on the edge of the sofa, Dan buried his face in his hands, sitting like that in thought for a while. The blonde boy slowly fell asleep to the sounds of the city life.


During the hours to come the only sounds was the distant traffic and Dan's soft snores. The quiet was broken by the door creaking open and a pale, brunette girl slipped through the door way. Glancing around, her eyes landing on the sleeping boy, a small fond smile made its way onto her face. She slowly wandered over to the blonde boy, trying not to make any noise.

"Dan...Dan...Baby wake up....Daniel....DANIEL!" she started at a whisper then got louder.

"Zoe?! What the hell?!" the blue eyed boy jumped up from his spot on the sofa, "What's the time?"

"Round 3..."

"Zo," Dan whined, " You promised you'd be home by 1..."

The amber eyed girl sighed, "I know, baby, I'm sorry I couldn't get home sooner."

Sighing heavily, the blonde boy chose to change the subject rather than argue, "You know that thing I wanted to show you," the brunette girl nodded, "Follow me."

Dragging the girl to the roof, the freckled boy showed the pale girl a seating area set up on the roof. He had blankets, a thermos of hot chocolate, fairy lights and a beautiful view of New York. They talked about anything and everything until the sun stated peeking over the city skyline.

"Hey Zoe?" the blonde boy whispered, Zoe hummed in response, "I love you."

"I love you."

The freckled boy pulled the pale girl in for a sweet kiss.


Hey guys I'm gonna try to update everyday

I xx

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