Big Brother

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The soft patter of footsteps echoed through the quiet hospital corridors as a small, four year old boy ran down the halls searching for someone. Pushing his dark ebony hair out of his electric blue eyes, the boy carried on running, his red sneakers squeaking along the clean floors. A long grey hoodie hung around his shoulders reaching down to his knees. Skidding to a stop outside an open door, the black haired boy peered around the door frame. On the bed sat a woman with honey-coloured hair and electric blue eyes, sat next to the bed on a chair was a man with dark ebony hair and amber eyes, both speaking in hushed tones.

"Mama? Papa?" the dark haired boy's voice cut off the couple's conversation, looking towards their child, they smiled at him and exchanged a glance.

"Xander, Sweetie, what are you doing here?" the boy's mother asked softly.

"Mummy, why are you here? Lottie said 'she had to pick me up because you were sick and Daddy was taking care of you' but you weren't in your bed when we got home. Then Lottie told me you were the hospital. Why are you here? You didn't look sick this morning." Xander's parents exchanged small smiles but were prevented from answering by a loud female voice calling out their son's name. A tall, copper haired woman ran down the corridor leading to the room the small family was in, sighing in relief when her forest green eyes landed on the four year old. Catching her breath, the teen reached the boy, placing a hand on his shoulder before turning to his parents.

"Sorry, Mr and Mrs Thomas," the green eyed teen apologised, "He threw a tantrum until i brought him to you guys. I'm so sorry, I know you said to keep him home but-"

"Lottie," Mrs Thomas cut of the teenagers ramblings, "One, It's ok, he's fine here, it just means we don't have to go and pick him up. Two, how many times do we have to tell you to call us Abi and Liam."

"Ok, maybe next time I'll remember." Lottie responding smiling slightly.

"Mummy," Xander started quietly, fearing the worst, "why are you here?"

"Come here Little Man," beckoning his son forward, Liam Thomas sat the young child on his lap, "Mummy's not sick,"

"But then why is she in hospital?"

"You see that little bump on Mummy's tummy?" His son nodded showing that he saw it, "Well there's a little baby in there. You are gonna be a big brother."

"I'm gonna be a big brother?" His parents nodded, he squealed in excitement.

Climbing across his father, Xander pulled himself onto the hospital and started whispering excitedly to his mother's stomach, causing the adults to laugh.


Lottie sat in the hospital waiting room with five year old Xander on her lap asleep.

Wrapped in the teenagers jumper, the dark haired boy snored quietly.

"Lottie," Liam's soft voice called to the ginger teen sat in the uncomfortable hospital chairs, "When he wakes up, we're on the Second Floor, Room 236."


Glancing down, the man saw his son awake and smiled, "Scratch that, come here Little Man, wanna meet your little sister?"

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