chapter fifteen

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Lampposts light up the park, which is still open since it's the evening. Upon arriving, we quickly scouted where to sit, which turned out to be a bench under the trees. Once again, I'm sandwiched between Kai and Marinette, with Luka on the other side of her.

After finishing the sushi, I direct my gaze to Kai, who's still holding the disposable chopsticks between his fingers as he has his last bite. When he's done, he returns the look. A smile creeps onto his face and it quickly becomes contagious.

"You are so pretty," he comments, "It's hard to ignore."

The reason why these words hit so hard is probably because I'm not used to being told nice things. Still, a part of my mind doesn't let me absorb them. I can't seem to really believe them.

"You're pretty too, Kai," I reply, not knowing what else to say.

He smiles. "You know-"

Before he can say whatever he was about to, his phone buzzes to life in his pocket and he reaches to bring it out in front of him. His eyes dim a little at seeing the caller ID. "Sorry. I have to take this," he excuses himself.

Kai answers the phone and distances himself from us. I'm left to join Marinette and Luka's conversation.

Noticing Kai's now gone, Luka reaches out his arms. "Can I hold RJ?" he asks softly.

I answer by handing RJ to him over Marinette. Childlike excitement flashes in his eyes as he brings the soft toy to his chest.

"Everyone is in love with RJ." Marinette rests her chin in her hand, sending me a feline grin. "Aren't they?"

"Look at him though. How can you not be?"

Marinette smiles in confirmation.

I hope every time I see RJ, he'll remind me of this night.

"Anyway, let's talk about something else. Someone else." Her bluebell eyes flit to Kai, who's still talking into the phone as he faces the other way.

"Oh no."

"Oh, yes." The amusement in her eyes grows stronger. "How are you finding Kai?"

I face-palm, while Luka curiously peaks over the top of RJ's little head.

"What do you want me to say?" I question tiredly, knowing Marinette won't settle for anything less than a novel-length answer.

"Do you like him? What do you like about him?" she hints, preparing to hear all the details.

Before I can reply, Luka interrupts, "Is this a new thing?"

"Yeah," Marinette answers for me animatedly. "This is their first date."

"Ah, I see." Recognition glows in his eyes and it immediately raises my spirits. Now, he knows Kai and I weren't together on that night.

In fact, I don't even know how to describe our relationship at this moment. Are we just trying things out? Are we together? I haven't ever been with someone before. Relationships and feelings are much more complicated than I thought they would be.

"Let's not change the subject. Tell me what you think about boba boy over there."

"Well, he's nice," I start off, much to her horror. Despite the fact I'm very aware my answer won't satisfy her, I still try to make it a little descriptive, "He's really flirty. Kind of the same as when he texts."

"Mhm." Marinette nods, encouraging me to carry on.

"Uh. I like his... style?"

Marinette deadpans me. "He's wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I would expect more taste from the daughter of a fashion designer," she jokes.

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