wild spring

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"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar: but never doubt I love." W.S.


"We do everything backward," I said between bites of my meal and his since he kept feeding me tidbits from his own plate. We sat side by side, outside in a part of the garden that had been converted into a dreamy outdoor dining area.

"Going on a date was an important item on your list."

"Are you determined to complete this list for me?" I couldn't stop smiling at him.

I had pretty much forgotten about my list. The last week had wiped my memories clean and everything pre kidnapping had been replaced by a jumble of images of our sweaty entwined bodies and moments of such sweetness that made my heart ache to think about them.

"Yes. I don't want you to feel like you missed out on anything because of this." He made an off-hand gesture to encompass what was, I was coming to realize, a veritable kingdom.

"Did you memorize it?"

He stared at me with a tender look in his eyes.


"Well, I never in my wildest dreams would have thought my first date would be a seven-course dinner made by a chef flown in from France. Where do you get these outlandish ideas?"

"I would have preferred to fly us there but I can't leave right now."

His smile faded and the stress of the last week seemed to settle on him like a dark cloud again.

"Guliz is very nice," I said peeking at him.

"She is. But I think she thinks she gets paid by the word."

"She is chatty," I admitted laughing. "But I was grateful since, unlike some people, she speaks freely. I learned a few things from her."

He turned in his chair to fully face me while dessert was served by the formally dressed waiter.

"What did she say?"

"She is very hopeful that you're finally taking your place and bringing your Pack back together," I ventured hoping he would fill in the blanks.

He looked away for a moment.

"That's the goal." He finally said.


I sensed his reticence. This wasn't a man used to baring himself or answering questions he didn't want to answer.

"But... I am not my father and I never will be."

"The few people I have met don't seem to expect you to be your father. They just want their family back together," I said softly, amazed that this formidable man was racked by self-doubt.

"Is that what has kept you away for so long?" I asked him. I felt a huge wave of tenderness for the way he was opening himself to me. I grabbed his hand and kissed it.

He shifted in his chair clearly uncomfortable now. I squeezed his knee under the table, letting him know I knew how difficult this was for him but also unwilling to let him draw the curtain over his feelings like he always did.

"I'm no diplomat," he said finally.

"No. You're not," I agreed. "You're the type to stomp in raining fire and brimstone on anyone who displeases you."

He chuckled and just like that the dark cloud withered away and he leaned in close.

"I'm not sure if that means you think I'd make a good Alpha or not."

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