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"You just gonna stare at me or take a hit?" she asked. I quickly took the blunt and took a long drag.
"Who are you?" I asked as I let the smoke roll out of my mouth and took a look at her. She was wearing a black tank top imprinted with a band's logo and high waisted shorts.
"I could ask you the same." she laughed as she sat down on the sand beside me and took the blunt back, taking a hit. "My name is Jade."
"I'm Odette."
"Well Odette, what has brought you here tonight? You don't seem like the type to just walk around by yourself." she asked passing the blunt back to me.
I took a long drag. "To be honest I don't really know what happened. One second my boyfriend was sweet and then... I dunno."
"I know what you need." Jade said with a smirk. "A night out with me and a few friends. It'll take your mind off of it."
"Oh I dun-" I started until she raised a finger to my lips.
"You're coming." she smiled as she got up and brushed the sand off her butt.
"Fineeee." I laughed as I stood up and began walking with Jade away from the beach.
The carnival. There's nothing like it. Even though I'm eighteen I still love it all; the corndogs, the rides, the cheap light up toys. It sends a wave of excitement through my veins.
"Odette!," A voice I know all too well, Luke, my brother called. I turned to see his tall figure breaking through a group of girls near a cotton candy stand and walking towards me. "Why are you here? I thought you were at a party?" He ran his long tan fingers through his blond hair.
"Long story." I said as I looked down.
"Well well, we meet again." Jade interrupted.
"You know him?" I turned and asked Jade.
"Yeah. This guy almost knocked me into a hotdog stand." She laughed and looked at Luke.
"Yeah. Sorry about that." Luke grinned.
"Well, me and Jade have plans. I'll see you at home." I said.
"Okay, well I'll see ya around?" He winked at Jade.
"Don't plan on it." Jade smiled and winked back. Luke laughed and walked back to his group.
"You don't like him do you?" I asked Jade with a laugh. She laughed back and nudged me in the arm.
"We need to hurry up. I said I'd meet them at the ferris wheel at twelve." Jade grabbed my arm and we ran until we reached not only the ferris wheel but a really odd group. There were three guys and one girl.
"This is Dallon. He sold me the weed you smoked earlier." Jade said pointing to a tall guy with bright blue eyes and black hair who smiled at me. He was wearing something you would see Sherlock Holmes wearing. He didn't even look the drug deal type. I guess people aren't all they seem. Jade then pointed to the guy in the middle with a girl who hung to him. "This is my brother, Spencer and his stripper girlfriend, Flash." Flash looked me up and down with a look of disgust. Well she doesn't like me. "And this is Brendon." she said pointing at a brown headed boy who looked very familiar. He was very slim and dressed in a blue tux jacket with a white t-shirt underneath. Just looking at him made my heart beat funny. "Everyone this is Odette."
"Hai." I said sheepishly and waved my hand.
"I was thinking we should get a little fucked up first. So my van is right over there," Jade said, pointing at a hippie van. "let's get fucking wasted!"

[I was gonna make this chapter longer, but eh. Hope you guys like :)]

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