1. The impact of The Impossible

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You grab the closest tissue box in sight and snatch the tissue visible at the top. While you blow your nose, you think to yourself 'What an incredible movie'. You saw the reviews before watching it, and they all said that they sobbed from how amazing it was, so it was not a surprise that you were doing so right now. The credits of 'The Impossible' start rolling and the first name you notice is 'Tom Holland'. You search up his name. The pictures that appeared clearly showed his handsome features. You read through his description. 'Upcoming movies: Captain America: Civil War'. Interesting.

After searching up some more actors and actresses, and following Tom Holland on Instagram, you washed up the empty popcorn bowl and some dishes from dinner; you undressed and went to bed. It felt weird. After all, this was your first day living on your own in a big two-bedroom apartment. 

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