14. In the wrong place, at the wrong time

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You went into the basement with Harry to find all the Christmas decorations. While you looked around you tripped over because of an object you didn't notice on the floor. Harry rushed over to help but he didn't notice it either so he accidentally fell over you. It wasn't very awkward until Tom came down and saw the two of you on top of each other.

'Oh sorry but I don't think this is the best time and place to be doing.... things'

Harry scrambled on to his feet before helping you up. The two of you spoke at the same time trying to explain to Tom that it was not what he thought it was. Tom being annoying, didn't take in any of it and he just told you that it was fine.

'Look I don't care, the two of you can do what you want but not now. Y/n, you go help Harrison with the lunch and I'll help Harry with finding the stuff' he sounded irritated so you gave Harry a final look and then left.

Harry's POV

Why did he have to walk in at the wrong time? She just left and I will try convincing Tom that what he saw was a mere accident.

'Look dude, that wasn't anything, promise'

'Ye sure whatever' Tom said

That wasn't reassuring at all. I thought I'd wait a while till he digested the situation then I'll explain thoroughly. We found all the boxes and took them upstairs. Y/n was sitting on the couch her face in her palms. When she heard us, she immediately looked up at me and gave a questioning thumb up. I shook my head and she sighed and put her face in her palms again.

I took Harrison aside and told him of what happened and he agreed with me with the fact that Tom will need lots of time to understand. The rest of the day he didn't talk to anyone and he rushed y/n out of the house before anyone had the chance to hug her goodbye.

The car ride was very uncomfortable, he drove furiously. When you arrived, he said he was going to take a nap and stormed into his room. You didn't understand why he was making such a big fuss. You went to your room and found the fancy paper you use when you send letters to your friends through the post. You took another scrap paper, wrote your explanation then wrote it back with better handwriting onto the fancy paper.

'To whom this may concern,

I would like to address your anger over the incident of today at around 1 o'clock in the afternoon. You joined us in the basement at the wrong time. While I was searching for boxes of the Christmas ornaments, I tripped over some fairy lights that I haven't noticed beforehand. Harry realized I was in a troubled state so he came over to give me a hand. Him, as well as I, did not notice the string wire so fell on top of me. At that moment, you walk in, seeing what you saw, I'm sure you thought something entirely different from the truth. I assure you it wasn't. I hope you can forgive me for what I have done.

Yours, y/n'

You took a clear picture of it and sent it too Harry, saying how Tom acted during the car ride and the fact that he said he will take a nap although it was 4 o'clock in the afternoon. He texted back by saying that you had nothing to apologize for. You said you knew that but you wanted to do so because Tom was a sensitive boy. He told you to either delete the last sentence of the paper or he would be upset if you gave it to Tom like that.

'Harry, this is my letter, my explanation, I can write as I desire'

'Why did you send it to me if you didn't want my opinion'

'I don't know I just thought you'd want to know'

'Well I don't mind in that case, you do you'

You sealed the paper with wax and slid it under Tom's bedroom room and then sat on the floor in front of it. You heard footsteps approaching the door, then some fading away. Five minutes passed and no reaction. Ten minutes passed and he didn't leave. Then finally after 30 minutes he opened his door to see you sitting there with puppy eyes. He sat opposite you resting his back on the wall as you did and stared into your eyes. First his eyes were harsh but slowly they shined with liquid and shortly after that a single tear ran over across his cheek and fell onto the letter in his hand, making the ink smudge a bit. He noticed that so he placed it aside as to not ruin it any further. He suddenly fell into your arms and after a moment of shock, you stroked his hair telling him you understood why this troubled him and you reassured him that it was going to be fine.

Tom knocked on the wooden door and stepped back. Harrison opened the door and gave Tom an uninterested look.

'If you're here to tell Harry-'

'No I want to apologize'

Harrison stepped aside giving you and Tom space to go in.

He opened his arms to hug you and you returned it warmly.

Soon Harry and Tom made up and all of you were happy as ever.

'Do you guys have pen and paper? Preferably a lined A4'

Tuwaine went and got what you asked for from their office. You set the paper down and started writing: Tom, Harry, Harrison and Tuwaine shall give their word to protect y/n at all costs. We shall not argue furthermore, and none of us shall date her. We will be her brothers and love her equally. In return, she will do nothing but pamper us will love and hugs and kisses.


They all laughed at the ridiculous paper that you handed around, but they all signed it.

'You y/n, is the most troublesome person I have ever met and probably will ever meet'

'That, to me is a compliment so thank you Mr. Tom'

'Do you take constructive criticism then, mademoiselle?' inquired Tuwaine

'Only from you' you answered

'You are the most troublesome person I have ever met and probably will ever meet' he said

Although this argument only lasted a couple of hours, you were happy you ended on good terms with everyone.

(A/n don't question why Tom had a meltdown in this chapter, I don' know and I have no desire to edit it bcz this story is flopping anyway) 

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