11. The unexpected breakup

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Harrison had short intake of breath and there was a tightening in his throat. He didn't explain why he called; he said he just wanted to hear your voice. You asked if you can go over to his but he refused and said he'll come over to your house instead. After about an hour later, he arrived, two bags in hand, eyes puffy, face red and tears on his cheeks. Upon seeing you, he dropped the bags and ran into your arms. You wiped his tears away. You thought it wasn't the right time to ask him what was wrong so you waited until he calmed down a bit.

'Sh...she..she broke up with m...m..me' His voice cracks broke your heart.

You were never much of a relationship type of person, you only ever got into one but you ended it on good terms.

You tried your best to soothe his pain but it did very little help. He brought pajamas with him and he asked if he can spend the night at yours because he can't bear go and see some of her belongings in his room. Of course you accepted and told him he can bunk with you in your bed.

When Tom arrived late from work and saw the two of you on the sofa, your arms wrapped around him, he gave you a confused look. You gestured with your hands trying to tell him that you'd explain later. He understood and so he left the two of you alone and went to have a shower. After Harrison fell asleep from his grief, you and Tom sat in his room and you told him of what happened. He asked how and why she broke up but you told him that you didn't ask Harrison for any information because he was too hurt. He thanked you for telling him then you had a snack then went to bed.

After about a week, Harrison felt strong enough to go back home and clean up his bedroom and throw away his ex's things. You helped him with that but you kept stealing looks at him. His face didn't show any emotions so you just let it slide.

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