2. Realization of desire for a roommate

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It's been a week alone in London city. You only visited your parents once back in Luton and as you didn't make any friends here yet, you felt rather lonely. On the way to work at the coffee shop that day, you considered asking for a roommate. Maybe you'll post it online tonight, and see if there was anyone deserving and friendly enough to come live with you.

The next day, you overslept, so you had to rush to work, arriving 10 minutes late. Your boss didn't like the delay and asked you to be punctual or else he'll have to fire you. Not a great start for the day. After arriving home, at around 1 o'clock, the end of your shift, you opened your phone for the first time to find numerous emails regarding the roommate request. You read through some of them, many sounding not so mature were deleted, while others were pinned to the top, for you to consider them. You had take-out for dinner as you didn't have the enthusiasm to cook. Many emails since midday arrived. A particular one stood out for you, so you decided to start with it:

'Hello y/n, I am Eric, 20 years of age. I still live with my parents as I don't have the heart to leave them as you see they are very dear to me. But I've grown up now and have younger brothers that I am sure will take good care of them. I saw your offer for having a roommate and you sounded like a nice person. I am doing well financially and am able to pay half the rent and help provide for the house. I hope to hear from you soon. Yours, Eric'

'Hello Eric, thank you for your kind compliment. You sound like a good person as well. Maybe we can meet up at the nearest coffee shop here 'Timeout'. That way we can talk over the necessary information better. This Saturday, 4 o'clock sound good? My phone number is: 99123456, text me your response. Yours, y/n'

Eric accepted the invitation gladly. You didn't know how to feel about a boy living with you, especially him being a stranger. You should try it out anyway; he won't be a stranger after you get to know him.

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