Tiny Bumps

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The day was postcard perfect, even the buses were running on time. Downtown the skyscrapers shone silver in the morning sun and the sky was an unbroken backdrop of blue. Commuters walked like shoals of fish in a myriad of directions, not one of them in winter garb.

I smiled as I stayed in my room and stole a gaze outside my window at the beautiful earth, so spring had arrived in Owerri and for once it wasn't with a deluge of rain.

The weather is the kind that feels like a kiss of summer without the fiery heat of noon time in August. The grass is a soft green that almost has a hint of blue and in the sky is enough pristine white cloud to show you how beautiful the sky was, how perfect.

The concrete of the path was warm under Lukas's bare feet and he was glad to be free of the confines of his running shoes.

Then the memories of the lady I had spoken to few hours early began to pop up like the bubbles made by hydrogen and in my belly the feeling of collywobbles was felt.

©Simon Lukas

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