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The frame around the exotic surroundings was filled with ominous brittle silence, for there was no gravity to hold us firmly nor was there gravity to supervise our zeal and minds. And guess what, we were briskly floating amidst the glistening musical notes of a serenade, emanating out of nothing, but had enrobed the brimless sparkling pool of "space".

The hallowed pool of subtle light had adorned itself with the diamonds of thousand moons and of thousand dreams, for these weaved themselves on that cosmic ether of divinity......all hung in the frame of "galaxy." Taking up gigantic leaps did we traverse out that path which, though had concealed itself off our sights, was occasionally failing to bask its glory.

Down were the stars and up were they. Demure, but still mesmerizing did the surroundings see as we were wafting ahead in that absolutely vast pool of divine creation.

When distance is immaterial, so is speed, and so the idea of time becomes a thing that is malleable. Here in space, at home in the infinite continuum, what is there to do but fix the universe? Others meddle, or amuse themselves in callous ways.

Yet, when one is fully plugged into the creative force, the energy of our creator, we all become one, one team more than one being, yet one that is so much more than many. I am here to help. I always was, a part of the interface of reality, both machine and alive, a bridge of sorts.

I recognized the tortuous, tattered band of the Milky Way, with Vega very bright between sun and earth; and Sirius and Orion shone splendid against the unfathomable blackness in the opposite quarter of the heavens.

The Pole Star was overhead, and the Great Bear hung over the circle of the earth. And away beneath and beyond the shining corona of the sun were strange groupings of stars I had never seen in my life - notably, a dagger-shapped group that I knew for the Southern Cross. For lo, i wish to be lost in space than to be buried amidst dust .

©Simon Lukas

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