06| inconditus

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06| inconditus

unplanned, confused

Noah is going to head for his jog on Monday evening when he hears his doorbell ring. He frowns. Both his parents were in the kitchen. He can hear them laughing and talking. His father's sins temporarily forgotten till the competition ended.

Noah stands up, crossing the living room. 

"Are you getting the door?" His mum calls out.

"Yes mum."

Noah opens the door, Clay at heels wagging his tail excited for their walk. 

Clay barks.

Nadine, whom he hasn't seen in the years since he's left school, flinches moving defensively away. Noah's seen the reaction before. 

"Clay back," Noah instructs. Clay immediately heads behind Clay and sits.

The gesture helps Nadine relax, slightly, but her eyes were wary. 

Clay and Nadine regard each other. 

Clay's tail isn't wagging. Noah doesn't notice.

"Nadine, hi," Noah says. He's both taking her in and trying not to look at her. A feat that isn't easy by any means. Nadine has always stood out. First off, she's not white. She's of Arabic decent. Her skin is olive toned, her eyes a strange hue of green brown and finally her hair is as dark as night itself.

And, she's standing outside his house.

And, of course- Noah can't think of anything better to say than her name.

Fuck - he's an idiot. 

His heart is racing, almost strangely at the sight of her here. 

"Noah," she says. Her eyes turn to glance at him, scanning him. He's taller now, broader, he's gotten muscular since leaving school. "Hi," she smiles a little.

"Um, I -" 

She casts a glance behind her, already uncomfortable and then back to him. 

"Come in?" Noah offers. Uncertain.

She smiles, but he see's the relief in her eyes as she steps into his home. 

Now, Noah has Nadine Shaw, wearing an attractive black dress in his home.

And he doesn't know what he's supposed to do. Or why, this very attractive girl is in his home when her house is a mess and doesn't she want to see the people who's going to try to catch her cat? 

She's probably the busiest she's ever been. 

"You have a lovely home." She says.

Yes - Noah, this is awkward. You got to fix this. Think of something to stay and stop staring at her like a tongue crossed child. "It's been a while since I've seen you."

Oh fuck, Noah realises as the words fell out of his mouth. He should have replied to her compliment. Now, he sounds rude and hostile, like he doesn't want her here.

A big part of Noah wants her not to leave. He wants to talk to her but what do you say to Nadine Shaw? 

There's no guideline in making someone like you. No set of rules from A to get you to L. He's stumbling left right and center because even in his dreams, Nadine Shaw doesn't just appear on his front door step in a black dress. 

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